
How To Slim Body In Seven Days ?


Slim is also a synonym of thin, but, unlike skinny, slim means to be thin in an attractive way. The Oxford Dictionary defines slim as gracefully thin. 

Slim is closer to the term slender. So, slim is always complimentary adjective, and many women would find it pleasant to be described as slim. Slim is the ideal body size desired by many girls. It is interesting to note that the term slim is exclusively used to describe women. 

Another Reason and definition...

Human Body Shape is a complex phenomenon with sophisticated detail and function. The general shape or figure of a person is defined mainly by the molding of skeletal structures, as well as the distribution of muscles and fat. Skeletal structure and remains essentially the same for the rest of their life. Growth is usually completed between the ages of 13 and 18, at which time the epiphyseal plates of long bones close, allowing no further growth.

Many aspects of body shape vary with gender and especially female body shape has a complicated cultural history. The science of measuring and assessing body shape is called anthropometry.



Looking for ways to get slim naturally ? 

If you want to lose weight (get slim body), you don't want to take diet pills or follow some ridiculous diet (cabbage, anyone?).

What you need to learn is how people who are naturally slim get that way... and stay that way!

If you find yourself trying to follow a complicated diet to lose weight or giving up the foods you love, you're likely to give up and go back to your regular habits because they're easier.

They key to losing weight and keeping it off is to learn the little tricks that make losing weight easy.

Take a look at these five (5) simple ways I am sharing to get slim body naturally ( say that 10 times fast ! ):

1 # Drink More Plain Water.

Surprisingly, many people reach for food when their body is actually thirsty. Water also helps your body to flush out toxins and helps keep you hydrated -- which helps keep you energized. According to the Mayo Clinic, even being slightly dehydrated can make you tired. When you're tired, you won't be as active.

The Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommends, 3.7 liters (15 cups) of water per day for men; 2.7 liters (11 cups) per day for women. This doesn't mean you should be drinking that much water. You get water from the foods you eat (fruits, vegetables) and other liquids you drink (milk or juice, for example). About 19% of your water intake comes from foods you eat.

Drink at least 8 x 8 ounces of water per day and try to drink more if you are particularly active or if it's a hot day.

Water is the best choice when it comes to weight loss because water has zero calories.

2 # Grab A Piece Of Fruit Before Heading Out Of The House.

Before you leave your house, be sure to take an apple or banana with you. When you're out and about, you may not have access to healthy snacks when you get hungry. This could lead you straight to the drive-through. But, if you have a piece of fruit with you, you'll have something to hold you over until you get home.

3 # Eat Slowly And Stop Eating Before You Feel Full.

Have you ever noticed that naturally thin people don't stuff themselves with excess amounts of food?

They'll rarely eat larger portions or go back for second, and more often than not they have a natural awareness of their bodies and stop eating when they recognize that little signal that says, " Thank you, I've had enough to eat for now."

Start applying this habit in your own life by paying close attention to how your body feels as you eat. When your body starts communicating that it is now satisfies, stop eating.

Dis you know your brain can take up to 20 minutes to realize your stomach is full ? 

Because of this, make sure to stop eating before you eat too much. Become aware of your hunger signals.

It helps if you eat slowly instead of scarfing down a full meal in 5 minutes. It's much more enjoyable, too, as you savor the food.

4 # Eat Five Times A Day, Starting With Breakfast.

Many people skip breakfast, thinking they're saving themselves some calories. This rarely works -- you end up overeating at other times of the day when you become too hungry.

Your body has gone without food for several hours while you were sleeping. It needs that energy to get started. By eating five (5) small meals each day, starting with breakfast, you'll stoke the fires or your metabolism, making it easier to lose weight.

And your body doesn't absorb all the nutrients when you eat one big meal a day. Breaking your calorie intake into several smaller, more frequent meals makes sense all around. 

The National Weight Control Registry reports that 78% of their members who have lost weight -- and kept it of -- eat breakfast every day.

5 # Eat Cake.

Or chocolate. Or potato chips. Whatever "bad" snack is your favorite, it's okay to eat it sometimes, in normal sized portions. Naturally slim people allow themselves a few indulgences because they know this tends to prevent the overindulging that occurs when you deprive yourself of the foods you love.

@ Jackie San



"An Ultra Runner (Marathon), also known called ultra distance or ultra running, is any footrace longer than the traditional marathon length of 42.195 kilometres (26.219 mi)."


  1. One mid-distance run ( 8 to 10 miles)
  2. One speed day ( 5 to 5 miles )
  3. One easy day ( 5 to 7 miles )
  4. Back-to-back long run days (day 1: 13 to 16 miles; day 2: 20 to 30 miles)

All physically healthy people should theoretically be able to run, walk or jog an ultramarathon with the right combination of conditioning, said Ian Torrence, the lead ultrarunning coach for McMillan Running and legendary winner of 53 ultramarathons. The key is just training within individual limitations.


Many people view marathons as the highest goal a runner can achieve. This is especially true of large marathons like those hosted in Boston and also NY City.

Distance runners, however, can take things one level further-with an ultramarathon.

Runner can choose from countless variations on the idea of ultramarathons. They all have a few core rules they must follow to earn the title, one of which is that they must be longer than 42.195 km (26.219 miles). Past that mark, however, ultramarathons can be wild and wonderful events that host runners of every experience level.

Why 42.195 km ???

For the answer that question, one must harken back to history. To ancient history, in fact. Here's what happened: in 490 B.C.E, a Greek soldier named Pheiddipedes was commissioned to leave town in haste and make his way towards Athens. He was supposed to deliver news of victory over Persia. The town he departed was called Marathon, and Athens was approximately 25 miles away. Legend has it that he ran all the way there in one shot, delivered his message, and dropped dead right on the spot.

We'll see to it that this doesn't happen to you.


Ultra marathons have two major categories: timed and distance. The events under these two umbrellas are almost infinite in their variety, however.


Some ultra-marathons gain their titles through the distance runners must cover. The most common distances are 50 km (31.069 miles), 100km (62.137 miles), or 160.9344 km (100 miles), but some ultra-marathons might be even longer. The official world record event for distance ultra-marathons is 100 km, as decided by the International Association of Athletics Federations, the world governing body for track and field events. Runners can "beat" the world record by covering 100 km in less time than the previous runner, which requires not only endurance but speed and pre-planning to avoid the dangers that accompany ultra-marathons.


Timed ultra-marathons are similar to distance runs in that runners must cover a vast distance. Their focus is more on the length of the run, however. Many timed ultra-marathons are 24-hours or longer. Some can take up to a week and require the runners to make camp, hike, or navigate their way through stretches of wilderness.

Some timed races are on fixed routes and are called "point to point races". These may be on wooded trails, paved roads, or some combination of the two. Other timed races are stage races that require several days - sometimes up to a week - to complete. Many stages races are also Rogaines; races in which runner must keep maps and navigation gear on hand so they can find their own way to the finish line. Rogaines often require runners to face inclement weather, injuries, food or water shortages, and other survival-related hardships. Aid stations are spread along the route but are far enough apart that runners must often fend for themselves.


Experts still argue back and forth about the benefits and drawbacks of typical marathons. There is less research on ultra-marathons, likely due to its slow arrival on the mainstream radar. Some benefits, however, are well-supported.

Ultra-Marathons are largely run on soft terrains such as dirt tracks or woodland trails. Softer terrain reduces the pressure on a runner's joints. These settings also take the runner from the city and into nature which has a proven impact on a person's mental health.

More people may find ultra-marathons accessible as well, as opposed to the highly-trained nature of the average marathon runner. Many people who run ultra-marathons do so without the training necessary for a traditional marathon. And while this is not recommended, they can and do finish the races by setting a slower pace and focusing more on the goal of finish the race than on their time.



As with an sport, there are dangers that ultra-marathon participants must face. Some of these are common problems for runners, such as sprained ankles. Other dangers, like stress fractures and dehydration, are more common in ultra-marathon runners and require stronger protections to avoid. And still others unique the ultra-marathons.

Some dangers specific to ultra-marathons are bug bites and scratches from underbrush that runners must navigate through. The unique combination of terrain and distance also exposes runners to inhospitable weather, elevation changes, and the risk that they will run out of food or water without access to an aid station.


Running out of food and water is not the only roadblock that a runner may encounter. Runners must ration their water or sports drink consumption to avoid Exercise-Associated Hyponatremia. This occurs when runners deplete their body's sodium levels until cells swell and burst. Eating salty foods combats this issue but this must also be done in moderaton to avoid digestive distress. Most runners will experience digestive distress at least once during an ultra-marathon. It's an unfortunate part of the best methods to complete a race of such great lengths. Runners are encouraged to eat regularly and often but they must keep moving. This causes a wide range or digestive issues from cramps to diarrhea.

And though it's obvious, it should be said: running an ultra-marathon on an empty stomach is not advised.


Whether or not they run, most people know about a Runner's High. Exercise releases endorphins that, for most people, create a sense of joy or happiness. When someone pushes their body for an extended period of time their endorphin levels can lead to a feeling of euphoria. Ultra-marathons take this experience to an entirely different level. Some people describe themselves as addicted to the rush they get from pushing their body into motion for so long.

Extreme highs come with extreme lows, unfortunately. These marathons put extreme strain on the body and, if the runner does not monitor themselves, can lead to low blood sugar and hormone imbalances. Such imbalances lead to tears, bouts of anger, and other extreme emotional reactions that may baffle first-time runners. Experienced runners know to expect them but they are almost impossible to avoid.


Depleted sodium is only one serious issues that runners need to keep their eyes open for. Many runners report blurred vision, lost toenails, and an increased rate of stress fractures during ultra-marathons. Some runners may also experience irregular heartbeats and breathing patterns due to strain on their cardiac system. Multi-day events can also lead to hallucinations, both visual and auditory.

Most of these issues resolve themselves in a day or two after the race ends. Resting will deal with any hallucinations, even if runners only rest for a few hours. Runners should still be vigilant, however. They should receive a physical prior to joining an ultra-marathon and should see a doctor afterward they feel unwell.

And they certainly should know when to stop-to at least avoid ending up like poor Pheiddipedes.


Everyone approaches ultra-marathons differently, but there are a few key pieces of advice that many runners share. People who complete ultra-marathons suggest that runners on fixed routes keep a pace slightly lower than that of a standard marathon. This will allow runner to keep going for longer. Experienced runners also insist that walking is perfectly acceptable, since completing the marathon is the real goal, rather than finishing first.

Distance runners suggest packing a lot of foods than can be eaten on the go. They also emphasize the need to deal with issues like blisters or rocks before they become  bigger problem. Distance runners may find themselves with a sprained ankle 20 miles from an aid station, so first aid knowledge is strongly recommended.

Ultra-marathons are an endurance sport. They require determination, focus, and honesty. The runner has to be honest about their own skills, limitations, and the needs of the race. If runners keep these facts in mind, they can tackle the wild ride that is an ultra-marathon.


@ Jackie San


Why Cholesterol Is Important To Our Body ?

You may have had your cholesterol levels measured by a healthcare professional at some point in your life. Or at any moment while watching TV, an ad for a cereal that can "lower of cholesterol" pops up on your screen. But what is cholesterol actually? Is all cholesterol bad for us, and how do we keep our cholesterol levels in a healthy range? We want to answer your questions about cholesterol: What it is, the difference between good and also bad of cholesterol, and how we can maintain healthy cholesterol levels if we have diabetes. 


What is cholesterol actually? and when is it "good" or "bad"? What are the cholesterol recommendations for people with diabetes, and how can we keep up healthy cholesterol levels ?


Cholesterol is  a waxy, fat - like substance found in all of your body's cells. It is produced naturally by your liver, and it can also be found in some of the food you eat. Not all cholesterol is harmful; in fact, it's essential for the body to function. Cholesterol is a necessary component of the membrane structure of every cell in your body. It is also needed for making some hormones, vitamin D, and for various other essential functions.

Cholesterol travels through your body in your bloodstream, attached to molecules made of both fat and proteins that are called lipoproteins. Cholesterol levels are an important measure of risk for heart and vascular disease. So, while your body needs cholesterol to survive, too much cholesterol can lead to potentially serious heart conditions.

Because cholesterol is produced in your body, high levels of cholesterol can be genetic and outside of your control - if anyone in your family has a history of high cholesterol, talk with your healthcare professional about how to lower your risk.


Many of the fat substances in your body, including cholesterol, are produced naturally -  this production is determined by your genes and your metabolism, and is likely not something you can change. However, you have more choice in the fats that enter your body through your food. Saturated and trans fats are the main culprits when it comes to increased cholesterol in the bloodstream - these fats prevent liver cells from effectively removing cholesterol from your blood. It's important to monitor your intake of foods that contain these types of fat. To keep your cholesterol in check, a basic rule of thumb is to avoid saturated and trans fats. Saturated fats mainly come from animal sources of food and trans fats mostly originate from oils through a food processing method called partial hydrogenation. Both trans fats and saturated fats harm the body's ability to combat heart disease. 

While foods containing saturated and trans fats can raise your body's cholesterol levels, natural dietary cholesterol does not have the same effect. The cholesterol found in foods such as eggs has not been shown to affect overall cholesterol levels, report by Mayo Clinic. Here's how this works: When your dietary intake of cholesterol goes down, your body makes more of the cholesterol it needs to function; when dietary cholesterol goes up, your body makes less of the molecule. Because of this balancing effect, consuming a bit more dietary cholesterol doesn't noticeably impact blood cholesterol levels in most people.

It is more important to focus on eating less unhealthy fats than to stress about dietary cholesterol - although moderation with dietary cholesterol is still recommended as your body doesn't need too much cholesterol overall to function.


Cholesterol can be attached to two (2) different types of lipoproteins : high - density lipoprotein (HDL) or low - density lipoprotein (LDL). The two (2) differ in how much of the molecule is made up of cholesterol and how much is made up of protein.

HDL cholesterol is considered to be beneficial, or " good cholesterol." This is because it removed harmful LDL cholesterol from your bloodstream. To do this, HDL brings excess LDL cholesterol to the liver ( where it's broken down ), delivering it away from your heart and other organs. Because of this powerful ability, higher levels of HDL are associated with a lower risk of heart disease.

LDL cholesterol, however, carries cholesterol to cells and can accumulate on the walls of your blood vessels, narrowing the passageways your blood uses to travel throughout the body. This can become dangerous: narrow vessels make it hard - or impossible - for blood, oxygen, and nutrients to travel to the heart and brain and can lead to a heart attack or stroke. LDL is thus considered " bad cholesterol," and higher levels of LDL can increase your risk of these severe health issues. Eating too much saturated fat can reduce how much LDL cholesterol your liver cells can remove from your blood.

You may have also heard of triglycerides - another type of fat in the body that is not considered a type of cholesterol. Triglycerides and cholesterol both show up in the common blood lipid level lab test. Triglycerides store excess energy from your diet: high triglycerides can contribute to thickening of the walls of arteries. 


If you are someone with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, it is important to be proactive about your cholesterol, especially if you don't have stable glucose levels. People living with diabetes are more likely to be at risk for heart disease and stroke, especially at a young age, so it's important to be as proactive as possible to keep your heart healthy.

Compared to people without diabetes, people with diabetes are more likely to experience lower levels of HDL and higher levels of LDL cholesterol. This means that there is not enough good cholesterol - which normally helps to reduce your bad cholesterol - to effectively do its job. That's why it's especially important for people with diabetes to monitor HDL and LDL levels and adopt healthy habits - including diet and exercise - to avoid health complications that could arise. The dangerous combination of low HDL and high LDL can lead to  a greater risk of coronary heart disease over time. 


Whether or not you have diabetes, try to keep your cholesterol levels within these recommended ranges:

a). LDL cholesterol levels lover than 100 mg/dL

b). HDL levels greater than 40 mg/dL. Women tend to have higher HDL levels on average than men, so women can aim for HDL greater than 50 mg /dL.

Maintaining healthy cholesterol levels will help lower your risk for heart disease, which is especially important for people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. To monitor your cholesterol levels, regular lab tests are recommended. Speak with your healthcare professional about how to make sure your cholesterol levels remain in a healthy range. 




Switch out processed and refined grains for whole grains. Dietary fiber is critical for promoting healthy cholesterol in the body, but refined grains are stripped of fiber when processed. Consuming whole grains ( which include the entire grain ) has been shown to improve blood cholesterol levels and lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and obesity.

a). Foods like pasta and bread are available in whole wheat or whole grain versions which have high levels of dietary fiber. These kinds of swaps are tasty and helpful for lowering cholesterol levels.

b). Chips, crackers, and sugary cereal should be limited - though you can try whole grain options made with oats, seeds, quinoa, flax, or lentils.

c). When reading a food's nutrition label, look for a list of simple whole grain ingredients other than white flour.

d). The American Heart Association suggest that adults aim for about 25 grams of fiber per day, though your healthcare professional may suggest more or less.

Make sure you're eating vegetables and fruits with every meal. Vegetables and fruits contain vitamins and nutrients that your body needs, in addition to more fiber.

a). Having tomatoes, arugula, and berries with breakfast is a good way to start your day.

b). For lunch make sure to get some greens like spinach, kale, and lettuce into your meal, or try some sliced carrots and bell peppers with hummus for a delicious snack.

c). For dinners, it's easy to make vegetable soups, chilis, or roasted vegetables for a warm meal that incorporates heart - healthy choices.

Avoid saturated and trans fats. Saturated fats differ from healthier unsaturated fats because they are usually solid at room temperature ( and trans fats are a type of saturated fat ).

a). Saturated fats include foods like butter, animal fats, and processed food ( most premade breakfast sandwiches or freezer meals can hide dangerous saturated fats ). Red meat and the skin and fat from chicken and turkey have high saturated fat levels.

b). Saturated fats raise both HDL (good) and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels.

c). Trans fats can lower HDL (good) while raising LDL (bad) cholesterol.

d). Remember that dietary cholesterol is different than saturated fat (and, in moderation, generally will not affect your cholesterol levels).

Use healthy oils. Healthy oils are low in saturated fat and instead contain unsaturated fat.

a). Oils such as canola, extra virgin olive oil, avocado oil, vegetable oil, safflower oil, peanut oil, flaxseed oil, walnut oil, and sesame oil are good options because of their relatively low saturated and trans-fat content.

At the end of the day, we're not perfect - some days you might eat some saturated fat or forget to eat enough fiber. It's important to do your best to make choices that keep your cholesterol levels in a healthy range. Remember to look over your lab results; talk with your healthcare professional about your cholesterol lab test and additional strategies to help manage your cholesterol.

@ Jackie San


What the best conversion of cellulose into glucose and others interaction ?

Custom - Sized Graphene Oxide For The Hydrolysis Of Cellulose


Carbon nano-structures have attracted a long - lasting interest in cellulose hydrolysis reaction. Herein, the usefulness of catalyst downsizing is addressed using various graphene oxide (GO) morphologies, including nanofibers (GONF), sheets of few - layers (FLGO) and quantum dots (GOQD). Such materials were obtained from carbon nanofibers by oxidative cutting and subsequent exfoliation and fractioning in size. 


The synthesis process incorporated numerous active species (S- and O- functional groups) onto the carbon sp2- network, whose relative abundance was in some instances tuned by hydrothermal reduction. Chemical and structural analysis of GO materials was performed by XRD, TEM, XPS and elemental analysis. GOQDs, as the smallest particle size GO material, exhibited the highest catalystic activity. 


However, its behaviour was dependent on the crystalline features of the starting cellulose and the substrate - catalysts interaction degree. Thus, only 17.8% of raw cellulose was depolymerized into sugars after 24 h at 135 degree celcius, which rose to 60.1% upon enhancing its reactivity by ball-milling (8h, 600 rpm). A simple mix-milling of the cellulose with the catalyst for 10 min enabled an effective solid-solid contact, affording complete conversion and 83.5% of glucose. In comparison, 71.3% and 60.4% of glucose was obtained from their sister counterparts: FLGO and GONF, respectively.


@ Jackie San

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What the best ways for coronavirus 19 lockdown 'Herd Immunity' ?


Herd Immunity, Lockdowns & COVID -19


1 # 'Herd Immunity' is What ?

'Herd Immunity', also known as 'population immunity', is the indirect protection from an infectious disease that happens when a population is immune either through vaccination or immunity developed through previous infection. WHO supports achieving 'herd immunity' through vaccination, not by allowing a disease to spread through any segment of the population, as this would result in unnecessary cases and deaths.


Herd immunity against COVID -19 should be achieved by protecting people through vaccination, not by exposing them to the pathogen that causes the disease. 


Vaccines train our immune systems to create proteins that fight disease, known as 'antibodies', just as would happen when we are exposed to a disease but-crucially- vaccines work without making us sick. Vaccinated people are protected from getting the disease in question and passing on the pathogen, breaking any chains of transmission. 


To safely achieve herd immunity against COVID -19, a substantial proportion of a population would need to be vaccinated, lowering the overall amount of virus able to spread in the whole population. One of the aims with working towards herd immunity is to keep vulnerable groups who cannot get vaccinated (e.g. due to health conditions like allergic reactions to the vaccine) safe and protected from the disease. 


The percentage of people who need to be immune in order to achieve herd immunity varies with each disease. For example, herd immunity against measles requires about 95% of a population to be vaccinated. The remaining 5% will be protected by the fact that measles will not spread among those who are vaccinated. For polio, the threshold is about 80%. The proportion of the population that must be vaccinated against COVID-19 to begin inducing herd immunity is not known. This is an important area of research and will likely vary according to the community, the vaccine, the populations prioritized for vaccination, and other factors.


Achieving herd immunity with safe and effective vaccines makes diseases rarer and saves lives.


2# What Is WHO's Position on 'Herd Immunity' As A Way Of Fighting COVID -19 ?

Attempts to reach 'herd immunity' through exposing people to a virus are scientifically problematic and unethical. Letting COVID -19 spread through populations, of any age or health status will lead to unnecessary infections, suffering and death.

The vast majority of people in most countries remain susceptible to this virus. Seroprevalence surveys suggest that in most countries, less than 10% of the population heave been infected with COVID -19.

For info, most people who are infected with COVID -19 develop an immune response within the first few weeks, but the question is, how strong or lasting that immune response is, or how it differs for different people. There have also been reports of people infected with COVID -19 for a second time.

Until the better understand COVID -19 immunity, it will not be possible to know how much of a population is immune and how long that immunity last for, let alone make future predictions. These challenges should preclude any plans that try to increase immunity within a population by allowing people to get infected.


Although older people and those with underlying conditions are most at risk of severe disease and death, they are not the only ones at risk.


Finally, while most infected people get mild or moderate forms of COVID - 19 and some experience no disease, many become seriously ill and must be admitted into hospital. 


3# What Is COVID -19 Immunity ?

Most people who are infected with COVID -19 develop an immune response within the first few weeks after infection.

Research is still ongoing into how strong that protection is and how long its lasts. WHO is also looking into whether the strength and length of immune response depends on the type of infection a person has: without symptoms ('asymptomatic'), mild or severe. Even people without symptoms seem to develop an immune response.

Globally, data from sereoprevalence studies suggests that less 10% of those studied have been infected, meaning that the vast majority of the world's population remains susceptible to this virus.

For other coronavirus - such as the common cold, SARS-CoV-1 and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) - immunity declines over time, as is the case with other diseases. While people infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus develop antibodies and immunity.


4# What Is WHO's Position on Lockdown As A Way Of Fighting COVID -19 Pandemic ?

Large scale physical distancing measures and movement restrictions, often referred to as 'lockdowns', can slow COVID -19 transmission by limiting contact between people.

However, these measures can have a profound negative impact on individuals, communities, and societies by bringing social and economic life to a near stop. Such measures disproportionately affect disadvantaged groups, including people in poverty, migrants, internally displaced people and refugees, who most often live in overcrowded and under resourced settings, and depend on daily labour for  subsistence.

WHO recognizes that at certain points, some countries have had no choice but to issue stay-at-home orders and other measures, to buy time.

Governments must make the most of the extra time granted by 'lockdown' measures by doing all they can to build their capacities to detect, isolate, test and care for all cases; trace and quarantine all contacts; engage, empower and enable populations to drive the societal response and more.

WHO is hopeful that countries will use targeted interventions where and when needed, based on the local situation.

@ Jackie San






What Are Palantir Big Issues on January 26, 2021 ?

Palantir Technologies (NYSE:PLTR)...

Today issued additional details about its inaugural Demo Day on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, at 1430 pm ET.

Demo Day are marks the first time Palantir is demoing the latest developments to its software platforms, Foundry and Gotham, to the general public. The demos will include examples of how Palantir's commercial and government customers - including manufacturers, defense agencies, and others - use its of software.

The event will also highlight Palantir's modular strategy, including the announcement and also demonstration of new software modules such as:

a). Software-Defined Data Integration ("SDDI"): to integrate with dozens of ERP systems in days.

b). Low-Code / No-Code Environments: To deploy operational applications in hours.

c). Archetypes: To start business use cases in a few clicks.

d). Al-Enables Mission Command: To support U.S. and allied nations in planning and executing missions.

Palantir also will discuss its latest developments on Apollo, the company's continuous delivery and infrastructure platform. Apollo ensures Foundry and Gotham can be used by customers in any environment. In Q4 2020, Apollo managed 150,000+ upgrades per week across environments, up from 40,000+ upgrades per week in Q2 2020.

Advance registration for Palantir's Demo Day is required, and is available at https://palantir.events/livedemoday. 

What Actually Palantir Technologies Inc ?

Palantir Technologies is a software company that builds enterprise data platforms for use by organizations with complex and sensitive data environments. From building safer cars and planes, to discovering new drugs and combating terrorism, Palantir helps customers across the public, private, and non-profit sectors transform the way they use their data. 

Release during press, that contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements may relate to, but are not limited to, Palantir's expectations regarding the expected benefits of, or anticipated updates to, its software platforms. Forward-looking statements are inherently subject to risks and uncertainties, some of which cannot be predicted or quantified. Forward-looking statements are based on information available at the time those statements are made and were based on current expectations as well as the beliefs and assumptions of management as of that time with respect to future events. These statements are subject to risks and uncertainties, many of which involve factors or circumstances that are beyond our control. These risks and uncertainties, include, but are not limited to, our ability to meet the unique or anticipated needs of our customers: the failure of our platforms to satisfy our customers or perform as desired; the frequency or severity of any software and implementation errors; and our platforms' reliability. Additional information regarding these and other risks and uncertainties is included in the fillings we make with the Securities and Exchange Commission from time to time. Except as required by law, the Palantir do not undertake and obligation to publicly update or revise any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future developments, or otherwise.

@ Jackie San


Are You Plan For An International Trip During Pandemic Of COVID -19 Now ? What you need to do ?

Are You Planning An International Trip ? What Should You Do Before Travel ?

Headed to Mexico or the Caribbean for some sun and fun this winter or over spring break are you plan for this trip so far ?

Get ready to squeeze a coronavirus test into your pandemic vacation of your agenda.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention told on Tuesday that it would require airline passengers to show proof of a negative results of Coronavirus Test or recovery from COVID -19 before entering boarding an international flight to the U.S., effective January 26, 2021. Airlines are required to deny boarding to those who don't.

Currently, only travelers bound for the United States from the United Kingdom have to present a negative test results of COVID -19, a requirement that has been in place only since December 28, 2020.

International travel has been decimated by the pandemic, with most European countries off limits to Americans and U.S. restrictions keeping most international visitors away.

But pandemic vacationers have flocked to beach destinations that have reopened to tourists, including the Caribbean and also Mexico. Some Caribbean destination require proof of a negative coronavirus test to enter and have other restrictions, but Mexico does not.

The new requirement, which comes amid a surge in coronavirus cases in the United States, means International travelers face another layer of restrictions.


a). Does The Test Requirement Apply To U.S. Citizens ?

Yes, it applies to all airline passengers ages 2 and older bound for the United States, including visitors, citizens and legal permanent residents.

b). Do Passengers On Flights From The U.S. Virgin Islands And Puerto Rico Have To Get Tested So ?

No. U.S. territories are excluded from the CDC requirement.

c). What Kind Of Test Do I Need And When ?

Travelers must get a viral test - antigen tests and nucleic acid amplification tests such as a PCR test qualify, but antibody test don't - no more than three days before their flight departs and bring paper or electronic proof to the airport. Those who have tested positive for the virus within the past three months before travel can bypass the test requirement if they bring proof they have recovered from the virus and are cleared to travel by a licensed health care provider or health official.

d). How Can I Prove I Recovered From COVID -19 Pandemic ?

Bring your positive test result and a letter from your health care provider or a public health official that says you have been cleared for travel, the CDC says.

e). I've Had A COVID -19 Pandemic Vaccine. Am I Exempt ?


f). Who Is Going To Enforce This ?

Airlines. They are still working out the details but will ask for proof at check - in counter. On flight from the U.K., for example, United Airlines asks for documentation in the ticket lobby. The CDC says passengers without negative test results or proof they have recovered from COVID -19 pandemic will be denied boarding. Those who provide false information are subject to criminal fines and imprisonment, the agency said.

g). How Am I Going To Find A Reputable Place To Get Tested In A Foreign Country ?

Look for guidance from airlines, hotels, tourism bureaus and health care providers in the coming weeks. Travelers to Hawaii have to provide a negative test to enter the state and bypass a mandatory quarantine, and airlines and tourism officials have provide extensive details on testing options. American Airlines said it will not be providing tests for passengers.

h). What If I Take The Test Before My Flight And I'm Positive ?

You will have an extended international vacation - in quarantine. At your own expense.

i). How Long Will This requirement Be In Place?

No timeline was announced, but expect it to be in place as long as the virus is surging.

j). I Don't Want To Travel Given The New Testing Requirement. Can I Get A Refund On My Airline Ticket ?

Probably not, unless you bought a pricey refundable ticket. Airlines have made their ticket-change policies much more flexible during the pandemic, but they are issuing refunds only if they cancel a flight, as required by the government. Travelers who cancel flights on their own generally receive credit for a future flight.

The good news on this front: You won't have to pay a hefty ticket change fee when you go to use those funds. Major airlines last year eliminated change fees on international flights, except for passengers flying on basic economy tickets.

k). I Have Tickets For A Flight To/Back To The United States Right After The New Testing Requirement Begins But Want To Depart Earlier So I Don't Have To Get Tested. What Are My Options ?

So far, Delta Air Lines, American Airlines and United Airlines have issued specific travel waivers on this front. Delta and American said travelers scheduled to fly to the United States through February 09, 2021 can change their ticket to dates on or before January 25, 2021 without paying a fare difference as long as they purchased their tickets prior to the CDC announcement. United has the same terms but it is extending the option to passengers due to travel through February 15, 2021. Ticket change fees are already waived on each of the airlines.

@ Jackie San

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