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Lokasi pemprosesan makanan yang amat kotor dan penuh dengan najis ditemui.
Beberapa gambar yang memproses fucuk di Negeri Pulau Pinang, utara Semenanjung Malaysia amat meloyakan, apatah lagi tempat pemprosesan itu penuh dengan najis tikus!
BERNAMA turut melaporkan Pegawai Kesihatan Persekitaran Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kualiti Makanan (BKKM) Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pulau Pinang Mohd Wazir Khalid memaklumkan bahawa keadaan kilang tersebut disifatkan sebagai tidak layak beroperasi dan juga perlu menghentikan segala kerja memproses makanan dengan kadar segera.
1- Mohd Wazir berkata kilang tersebut didapati tidak memiliki lesen perniagaan yang sah dikenakan kompaun kira-kira RM 5,500.00
2 - Ia dipercayai beroperasi sudah melebihi 10 tahun.
3 - Kilang tersebut turut diberikan tiga (3) kompaun oleh Kementerian Kesihatan (KKM) bernilai kira-kira RM 5,500.00 berdasarkan kesalahan iaitu tiada pelabelan makanan, tidak berdaftar bawah KKM dan beroperasi tanpa kebenaran.
4 - Ia turut diberikan notis bernilai RM 500 oleh Majlis Bandaraya Seberang Perai (MBSP) kerana berniaga tanpa lesen.
5 - Mohd Wazir mendedahkan kilang memproses fucuk tersebut sebelum ini pernah diarahkan menutup operasi atas kesalahan sama kira - kira tiga (3) tahun lepas tetapi ingkar.
6 - Antara kesalahan lain yang dilakukan adalah terdapat seorang pekerja kilang itu yang merupakan warga Myanmar tidak menerima suntikan tifoid selain tidak memakai kelengkapan yang sesuai semasa mengendalikan makanan.
7 - Turut didapati terdapat binatang peliharaan seperti anjing berada di dalam premis berkenaan yang sememangnya tidak mematuhi prosedur ditetapkan.
8 - Sebab utama penutupan tersebut adalah najis tikus, lalat dan lipas sebab berkait dengan keracunan makanan yang boleh menyebabkan pencemaran sama ada bakteris dan fizikal.
9 - Mohd Wazir mendedahkan produk fucuk tersebut dipercayai akan dipasarkan ke negeri di selatan tanah air.
10 - Arahan penutupan premis berkenaan selama dua (2) minggu bersamaan 14 hari adalah di bawah Notis Perintah Penutupan Premis di bawah Seksyen 11 Akta Makanan 1983 berkuat kuasa hari ini, 27 Oktober 2021 (Rabu).
Selain itu, minggu lepas, Bahagian Keselamatan dan Kualiti Makanan (BKKM) Jabatan Kesihatan Negeri Pulau Pinang turut membongkas dua (2) buah kilang memproses tauhu dan juga belacan di Kampung Selamat, Tasek Gelugor dan Sungai Puyu yang amat kotor dan juga menjijikkan. Malah logo halal yang digunakan tertera di bungkusan amat diragui.
Kedua - dua buah kilang berkenaan diarah tutup selama dua (2) minggu ataupun 14 hari.
@ Jackie San
Lying concealed atop his bus while watching armed men murder people below, the only thought that brought Abdoulaye Diallo some comfort was the hope that if he died on a Friday, a holy day in Islam, he would go to heaven.
" I knew I'd be killed...[but] if I died on a Friday may paradise was guaranteed," Diallo tells Al Jazeera, sitting in Dori, Burkina Faso, a town in the country's Sahel region to which he fled. " So, I recited some Quranic verses while on top of the bust awaiting my death.
The 28-year-old bus driver's assistant was spending that June night in Solhan, a regular stop along his weekly transport route, when the attackers burst into the car park where he was sleeping and began executing people.
They then hijacked the bust he was on and drove it through the town while he lay hidden on top, before setting it alight. Diallo narrowly escaped, with the gunmen firing after him as he fled.
For the last five (5) years, violence linked to al-Qaeda and ISIL (ISIS) has killed thousands and displaced more than 1.4 million people in the once-peaceful West African country.
Despite a window of calm surrounding the November 2020 presidential elections, due to a temporary ceasefire agreement between the government and some armed groups, attacks have resumed and are increasing, particularly against civilians.
Civilian deaths spiked by more than 300 percent from May to August compared with January to April - from 80 deaths to 335 - according the Armed Conflict Location & Event Data Project (ACLED), with June and August being the deadliest months.
The attack on Solhan, a mining town in Yagha province, was one of the worst in the nation since the fighting began. Locals say at least 160 people were massacred during the early hours of June 04. Gunmen, including women and children who were fighting alongside them, entered the mining site screaming " Allahu Akbar " (Arabic For God Is Great), before advancing into the town shooting everyone in sight.
In July, survivors told Al Jazeera that dead bodies were still being found in the mine shafts where people had sheltered and that the number killed was likely much higher than what has been documented.
While Solhan had been attacked by armed men before, residents say civilians were never harmed in the past. The police station was hit twice at the end of 2019, killing one officer, and last October, attackers burned down a school and warned teachers and students not to attend.
It is unclear why so many civilians were targeted in June's attack. Some conflict analysts attribute it to a combination of factors. According to Heni Nsaibia, a senior researcher at ACLED, these may include: continuing efforts to control and cut off the population in Yagha-some nearby towns have been blockaded for months; revenge on villages that support the country's volunteer fighters - armed civilians who fight alongside the army; and a lack of cohesion within the al-Qaeda-linked group known as Jama'at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin (JNIM).
While JNIM publicly denied responsibility for the attack, it is believed to have been committed by a group affiliated with them.
" The events in Solhan underscore the importance of how local contexts and circumstances shape militant units that operate with great autonomy and raise questions about decision-making and loyalties in violent, competitive, and fast-paced environments, such as the context in which the Solhan massacre took place, " says Nsaibia. " The fracturing of these groups could have negative consequences on the conflict, such as even more targeting of civilians."
When Diallo first heard the gunshots on that June night, he thought it was the volunteer fighters arresting a thief. But as the sound intensified and he saw people fleeing and heard their screams, he realised it was something much worse.
Glancing at his phone, the time read 2:10 am when Diallo saw wounded man stagger into the station clutching his bleeding stomach he says. Trailing closely behind him was a group of armed men on bikes.
" They entered the bust station with their motorbikes and spread out... I could hear them say, ' Boureima turn the bike off, Harouna turn the bike off," he recounts.
The men yanked two (2) people from under a car where they were sleeping, made them kneel on the ground and hand over the keys, Diallo says. One of the attackers tried unsuccessfully to drive their vehicle, but rammed it into a wall, as another radioed a commander named Rahim, asking for instructions on how to proceed with the men, he adds.
" The jihadists first asked their commander what they should do with the two (2) young men...The response came back through the walkie talkie: ' Kill Them All, Don't Spare Anyone."
The men were instantly shot and killed.
The attackers then found two (2) more people. They killed the first and bound the other one's hands behind his back as he knelt in front of them, says Diallo. As they prepared to kill him, they recited verses from the Quran, but while they were praying the man escaped.
Staring at the lifeless bodies as their blood seeped into the ground, Diallo feared he would be next and braced for death. He wanted to escape but worried that if he tried and was killed, his body would never be found.
" I knew I'd die, but [I thought] let me not die far from here. I wanted to make sure my relatives could find my body," he says.
But the hours passed and somehow the attackers still had not seen Diallo, even as they climbed into the driver's seat of the bust he was on and started chaotically driving through town. Smashing shops and stealing goods such as mobile phones, they shouted at each other, instructing some members to destroy the telecom towers.
Meanwhile, Diallo was clutching onto the roof of the bus trying to stay concealed while not falling off. " They didn't even know how to drive," he says.
When the attackers seemed satisfied with what they had taken, they drove back to the station.
However, any relief Diallo felt that the bust had stopped was quickly dwarfed by the smell of gas. They had lit the bus on fire and the flames were quickly rising. " The fire was growing, the car horn was ringing...[I thought] I'd rather be killed by jihadists than die in a fire," he says.
Surveying the area for the best place to jump down, Diallo landed a few feet away from where the gunmen were standing and ran while they shot after him in vain.
By the time Diallo fled, the sun was rising but the army had yet to come. Even when they arrived, at approximately 6 am, they didn't pursued the attackers, but remained in town firing warning shots in the air. They left before sunset that day, which allowed the armed men to return the next day to continue looting, says Diallo.
Solhan residents say they are angry at the military. Hama Amadou, another Solhan survivor now living in Dori, says it was warned about a potential attack weeks prior.
Residents also say that when the attackers came, the volunteer fighters alerted the army but still received no support.
" When the volunteer [fighters] heard gunshots, they called the army and warned them. The military told them to run away," says Amadou. Al Jazeera cannot independently verify this information, but several survivors now living in Dori said the army had been informed in advance of the attack and that the volunteer fighters called for help immediately.
The army did not respond to requests for comment, but a high-ranking officer in Dori who was not authorised to speak to the media told Al Jazeera that the detachment in the nearby town of Sebba received a call but the phone cut out before the volunteers could explain what was happening. The army did not know an attack occurring and had never been previously warned, he said.
Burkina Faso's ill-equipped and undertrained military has been struggling to fight the armed groups and, across the country, frustration is mounting, sparking widespread protests demanding the government take stronger action to stem the insecurity.
In July, President Roch Marc Christian Kabore fired his ministers of defence and security and briefly appointed himself minister of defence; and in August 2021, the defence ministry announced it would overhaul its counterterrorism strategy.
Locals say Solhan was a turning point in the country's fight against these al Qaeda/ISIL-linked armed groups.
" People realised that the conflict is exceptional, difficult and complex and people are [becoming] more and more demanding...we believe that the impact will be greater than what we think," says Jacob Yarabatioula, a professor of sociology and a researcher at Joseph Ki Zerbo University in Ouagadougou.
Not only did the scale of the attack shock people around the country, especially in areas that are not used to violence, but it also shed light on internal operational issues within the military, he says.
The challenge now is to learn from what happened and stay vigilant, he adds. " People easily forget problems when they seem to be finished. I am afraid that [in a few months] people will forget about the problems they endured and start living like nothing happened."
But those who survived the bloodshed say they can't shake what they saw. While some people have returned to Solhan to try and rebuild their lives, Diallo says he won't go back until the military proves it can protect people.
" I don't trust the defence and security forces, they don't do their job," he says. " They country is being invaded by jihadists...[and] the crisis continues because the government is not able to fight."
@ Jackie San
Pelari Pecut Ecuador, yang merupakan pemenang Pingat Gangsa Kejuraan Dunia, Alex Quinonez menghembuskan nafasnya yang terakhir akibat ditembak individu yang tidak dikenali di kediamannya di Guayanquil, pada 22 Oktober 2021 (Jumaat).
Perkara ini telah disahkan oleh pihak Kementerian Sukan Equador menerusi satu kenyataan media di laman Twitter yang turut mengesahkan atlet yang berusia 32 tahun itu ditembak sekitar 2120 malam di kediamannya itu.
Selain itu, menurut satu kenyataan lagi, kematian Quinonez juga merupakan satu kehilangan yang besar buat Equador, khususnya dalam sukan olahraga negara mereka.
" Kami dengan rasa sedihnya mengesahkan bahawa atlet olahraga negara kita, Alex Quinonez telah terbunuh dalam insiden tembakan di kediamannya.
" Kita telah kehilangan seorang ahli sukan yang amat hebat. Seseorang yang telah memberikan kita harapan, menggerakkan kita dan secara keseluruhannya dia adalah atlet pecut terbaik yang pernah dilahirkan di negara kita ini, " menurut kenyataan berkenaan.
Insiden itu sekali gus menjadikan insiden kedua yang melibatkan atlet olahraga dalam tempoh dua (2) minggu apabila atlet larian jarak jauh Kenya, Agnes Tirop, turut dibunuh di kediamannya, pada 14 Oktober 2021.
Bagi tujuan rekod, Quinonez memenangi pingat gangsa dalam acara 200 meter pada Kejohanan Dunia Tahun 2019 di Doha selain beraksi di final acara sama pada Olimpik London 2012 lalu.
Bagaimanapun, kegagalannya pada ujian anti doping menyebabkan Quinonez telah digantung dan tidak dapat beraksi pada Sukan Olimpik Tokyo Tahun 2020 yang lalu.
Sementara itu juga Presiden Equador, Guillermo Lasso turut menyatakan rasa sedih atas kematian Quinonez yang disifatkan sebagai atlet olahraga terbaik yang ada di negara berkenaan.
" Kita sangat sedih atas pemergian beliau serta insiden (kematian) Quinonez itu. Ia satu kehilangan besar buat negara kita. Mereka yang terlibat dan penyebab kematian Quinonez harus dihukum segera.
" Oleh itu saya akan pastikan agar pihak yang bertanggungjawab dan yang terlibat tidak akan terlepas daripada hukuman nanti," katanya.
@ Jackie San
The World Health Organization said there was a 7 percent rise in new coronavirus cases across Europe last week, the only region in the world where cases increased.
In its weekly assessment of the pandemic released late Tuesday, October 19, 2021, the U.N. health agency said there were about 2.7 million new COVID-19 cases and more than 46,000 deaths last week, similar to the numbers reported the previous week. Britain, Russia and Turkey accounted for the most cases.
The biggest drop in COVID-19 cases were seen in Africa and the Western Pacific, where infections fell by about 18 percent and 16 percent respectively. The number of deaths in Africa also declined by about a quarter, despite the dire shortage of vaccines on the continent. Other regions including the Americas and the Middle East, reported similar numbers to the previous week, WHO said.
But for the third (3th) consecutive week, coronavirus cases have jumped in Europe, with about 1.3 million new cases. More than half of countries in the region reported a rise in their COVID-19 numbers, WHO said.
In the past week, Russia has repeatedly broken new daily records for COVID-19 cases and the number of infections in the United Kingdom has surged to levels not seen since mid-July.
Although the head of Britain's National Health Service has urged the government to introduce stricter COVID-19 protocols including mask-wearing and the faster vaccination of children, politicians have so far demurred.
In Russia, officials have struggled to vaccinate its population and only about 32 percent of people have been immunized despite the availability of its Sputnik V vaccine. It has by far the largest death toll in Europe, with more than 225,000 deaths.
@ Jackie San
HAVANA - Adiel and Lachi are anxious to get married, perhaps dressed in black, in a ceremony by the seashore.
The idea bothers the Rev. Moises de Prada, who like many of his parishioners opposes a proposal to legalize same - sex marriage in Cuba.
The socialist government recently published a draft Family Law and asked for public comment ahead of a referendum, creating an unusually public clash over policy on the island where Pentecostal churches have been growing.
For Adela Gonzalez, a 31-year-old theologian, the idea of submitting his right to marriage for a public referendum is painful.
" You are submitting to the vote of a heterosexual, heteronormative majority the rights of a minority," he said from his apartment in the central city of Matanzas, where two (2) cats roam and a cross in the rainbow colors of the gay flag hangs from a wall.
Both he and his partner, 51-year-old accountant Lazaro "Lachi" Gonzales, work at the relatively mainline Evangelical Theological Seminary in Matanzas.
" God has no stepchildren, so we are all daughters and sons of God and what Adiel and I do it have a life with love, " Lazaro Gonzalez said.
The proposed law, which is to be considered by Parliament after the still unscheduled referendum, has more than 480 articles. It would also formally expand grandparents rights, allow for prenuptual agreements and - in cases of divorce - have financial consequences for those who have committed gender violence.
Parents could decide whether children's paternal or maternal surname has precedence. Children's rights would be gradually expanded as they grow.
But the biggest controversy is over changing the definition of marriage in the current law, which specifies it is between a man and a woman, to merely say between two (2) people.
It would also open the way for gays to adopt, and for surrogate pregnancies - though not for payment.
" It is not going to bring any benefit," said de Prada, general superintendent of the Assemblies of God, which have grown rapidly and Cuba and now claim more than 2,000 churches and 1 million members.
" The family, conceived as it is structured in the word of God, is that which is agreed between a man and a woman and the resulting children,' he said.
While Cuba was officially - and often militantly - atheist for decades after the 1959 revolution led by Fidel Castro, it has become more tolerant of religions over the past quarter century. That has meant a greater opening not only the once-dominant Roman Catholic Church, but also to Afro-Cuban religions, protestant and Muslims.
Some of those churches took advantage of the opening in 2018 and 2019 to campaign against plebiscite which would have rewritten the constitution in a way to allow gay marriage.
Opposition from social conservatives was strong enough that the government at that time backed away, though the change was backed by lawmaker Mariela Castro, daughter of then-President Raul Castro and director of Cuba's Center for Sexual Education.
Justice Minister Oscar Silveira Martinez told The Associated Press that the new proposed law " does not construct social realities; it tries to foresee legal solutions, protect those social realities that exist."
Assemblies of God General Secretary Julio Cesar Sanchez said such unions would be " the result of sin."
" The argument that they should be regularized because they exist is not valid," he said, " because murder also exists. ...That doesn't men it's good."
The differences play out in the streets as well.
" There are people who are going to be against same-sex couples joining in matrimony, but I think that's something normal," said Alberto Dausa, a 68-year-old retiree.
A few feet away, Carola Reyna, a 25-year-old housewife, said she wasn't against gay couples being happy, " but it seems to me that (adopting) children, they shouldn't get involved in that."
@ Jackie San
MOSCOW : Russia's foreign minister said on Monday, October 18, 2021 that the country is suspending its mission to NATO.
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov announced that the move is in response to last week's expulsion by NATO of eight (8) members of Russia's mission to the military alliance.
NATO said that they were secretly working as intelligence officers and halved the size of Moscow's team able to work at its headquarters. Lavrov also announced that NATO's military liasion and information offices in Moscow would be closed.
" As a result of NATO's deliberate moves, we have practically no conditions for elementary diplomatic work and in response to NATO's actions we suspend the work chief military envoy, probably from Nov. 1 or it may take several more days," says by Foreign Ministry.
The Foreign Ministry also said in a separate statement that NATO's actions " confirm that they are not interested in an equal dialogue and joint work to deescalate military - political tensions. The alliance's line towards our country is becoming more and more aggressive. The ' Russian threat ' is inflated in order to strengthen the internal unity of the alliance, to create the appearance of its ' relevance ' in modern geopolitical conditions."
Lavrov said that contact between the Western alliance and Moscow could be done through the Russian embassy in Belgium.
The Russian mission isn't based at NATO's headquarters, but in a leafy neighborhood in the south of the Belgian capital, Brussels.
NATO suspended practical cooperation with Russia in 2014 after it annexed Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula, but has kept channels open for high-level meetings and for military - to - military cooperation. But the NATO - Russia Council, their preferred forum, has only met sporadically since then.
Russia and NATO also have been at odds over Moscow's nuclear missile development, aerial intrusions into NATO airspace and the buzzing of allied ships by fighter planes.
Officials talks between them have been limited in recent years.
@ Jackie San
No Invitation For Myanmar Military Government Leader At ASEAN Summit
Southeast Asian countries will invite a non-political representative from Myanmar to a regional summit this month, delivering an un-precedented snub to the military leader who led a coup against an elected civilian government in February 2021.
The decision, taken by foreign ministers from the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) at an emergency meeting on Friday night, marks a rare bold step for the consensus-driven bloc, which has traditionally favoured a policy of engagement and non - interference.
On Saturday October 16, 2021, Singapore's foreign ministry said the move to exclude military government chief Senior General Min Aung Hlaing was a " difficult but necessary decision to uphold ASEAN's credibility."
The statement noted " insufficient progress " in the implementation of a five - point plan agreed by ASEAN leaders in April to end turmoil following the coup.
ASEAN's current chair Brunei said a non - political figure from Myanmar would be invited to the October 26 - 28, 2021 summit, after no consensus was reached for a political representative to attend.
" As there had been insufficient well as concerns over Myanmar's commitment, in particular on establishing constructive dialogue among all concerned parties, some ASEAN Member States recommended that ASEAN give space to Myanmar to restore its internal affairs and return to normalcy, " Brunei said in a statement.
It did not mention Min Aung Hlaing or name who would be invited in his place.
More than 1,000 civilians have been killed and thousands arrested by Myanmar security forces, according to the United Nations, amid a crackdown on strikes and protests which has derailed the country's tentative democracy and prompted international condemnation.
The military government says those estimates of the death toll are exaggerated.
Mustafa Izzuddin, a global affairs analyst at consultancy Solaris Strategies Singapore, called the exclusion " a political stopgap measure for ASEAN to assuage international criticism".
" It ensures its [ASEAN's] regional reputation as an organisation that can still play an active role in Southeast Aseian Affairs," he told AFP news agency.
Izzuddin also said the move sent a " Political Signal " to the military government " that ASEAN is not one to be pushed around, and that Myanmar must show its seriousness and its commitment to roll out the five - point plan".
Brunei added that some member states had received requests from Myanmar's National Unity Government, formed by opponents of the military government, to attend the summit.
ASEAN has faced increasing international pressure to take a tougher stand against Myanmar, having been criticised in the past for its ineffectiveness in dealing with leaders accused of rights abuses, subverting democracy and intimidating political opponents.
A United States Department Official told reporters on Friday that it was " perfectly appropriate and in fact completely justified " for ASEAN to downgrade Myanmar's participation at the coming summit.
Indonesian Foreign Minister Retro Marsudi said in a tweet her country had proposed that Myanmar " should not be represented at the political level " at the summit until it restores " its democracy through an inclusive process. "
Singapore urged Myanmar to cooperate with ASEAN's envoy, Brunei's second foreign affairs minister Erywan Yusof.
Erywan has delayed a long-planned visit to the country in recent weeks and has asked to meet all parties in Myanmar, including deposed leader Aung San Suu Kyi, who was detained in the coup.
Military government spokesman Zaw Min Tun said this week Erywan would be welcome in Myanmar, but would not be allowed to meet Aung San Suu Kyi because she is charged with crimes.
@ Jackie San
KUCHING, SARAWAK : Seorang anggota tentera maut akibat menembak dirinya sendiri menggunakan senjata jenis M4, selepas bertengkar dengan isterinya serta iparnya dalam kejadian di sebuah rumah, di Kampung Kolong 1, Sungai Tengah, Jalan Matang, Kuching pada 13 Oktober 2021.
Ketua Polis Daerah Padawan Abang Zainal Abidin Abang Ahmad, memaklumkan bahawa dalam kejadian 1245 tengahari itu, suspek yang berusia 28 tahun tiba di lokasi kejadian bagi tujuan penyelesaian rumahtangga dengan isterinya, di mana mereka masih dalam proses perceraian.
" Semasa dalam perbincangan suspek yang dilaporkan dalam keadaan marah telah mengambil senjata jenis M4 yang disimpan dalam kereta beliau.
" Suspek turut mengajukan senjata kepada ahli keluarga isterinya dan terus melepaskan beberapa das tembakan di dalam rumah bahagian ruang tamu dan juga dapur rumah isteri beliau. Dalam kejadian itu, terdapat ipar dan juga ibu mertua suspek. Namun tembakan yang dilepaskan telah tersasar dan pada kejadian tersebut, ibu mertua suspek yang berusia lebih kurang 58 tahun telah terkena tembakan di bahagian bahu sebelah kiri, seperti dimaklumkan oleh Abang Zainal.
Selain itu, saksi turut memaklumkan bahawa suspek turut menghala ke hadapan rumah berkenaan dan terus menembak dirinya sendiri di bahagian dagu berikutan situasi berasa bersalah dilihat akibat tembakan yang tersasar tadi terkena ibu mertuanya.
" Suspek disahkan maut di tempat kejadian, " katanya.
Abang Zainal ketika mengulas lanjut, turut memaklumkan ketika kejadian tersebut, suspek masih bertugas sebagai anggota pemantauan pematuhan prosedur operasi standard (SOP) COVID-19 di Daerah Bau, Kuching, Sarawak.
Selain itu, kes turut disiasat mengikut Seksyen 307 Kanun Keseksaan. Di samping siasatan terhadap bagaimana senjata boleh dibawa keluar turut akan disiasat.
" Siasatan sedang dijalankan dan pihak PDRM turut menggesa orang ramai untuk tidak menyebarkan sebarang spekulasi sehingga proses siasatan selesai terhadap kes ini. "
@ Jackie San