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IPOH, JUNE 24, 2021 :The High Court here today said that the two (2) main witnesses in the Paul Yong rape trial, including the victim and the person who helped the victim to lodge her police report, are to be protected under the Witness Protection Act (WPA) 2009.
Judge Datuk Abdul Wahab Mohamed, who made the decision, said that the identity of the two witnesses must be protected.
" After the inquiry, I am of the view that the two (2) witnesses' identities must be protected," he said during the proceeding today, which was held via Zoom Apps.
Abdul Wahab also said the two (2) witness will testify in closed court and that only he will be able to see them.
" They will testify in court, but only I will see them. The prosecution team, the defendant's lawyers and others in the court will not be able to see two witnesses.
" They will only hear the witnesses' voices," he said.
He also said that any form of materials that would reveal their identities, including their names, photographs or address, are prohibited.
" The witnesses' names can only be mentioned in the proceeding. They should not be disclosed to the public," he stressed.
Abdul Wahab ordered the next trial date to be maintained from July 12 to 16.
Deputy Public Prosecutor Mohd Fitri Sadarudin prosecuted while Paul Yong was represented by counsel Datul Rajpal Singh and Salim Bashir.
On May 28, 2021, Abdul Wahab said he would personally interview the alleged victim and another witness before making the decision on whether the two witnesses should be protected under the WPA.
Both the prosecution and defence agreed that the inquiry should be conducted.
On April 06,2021 Perak state prosecution director Datuk Jamil Aripin said that the two were participants of the Witness Protection programme under the Act and stated their wish to give their statements in camera without being seen by the accused and his lawyers.
Yong's lead counsel Rajpal said they agreed that the alleged victim could give evidence in camera without the presence of members of the public and the accused, but the counsel to be allowed to see the victim and cross-examine her from the witness box.
Mohd Fitri submitted that the issue of identify was not just about their names but covered a wider aspect, including emotional disturbance and trauma.
Yong 51-year-old, pleaded not guilty to a charge of raping his Indonesian domestic helper at this house in Meru Desa Park on July 07, 2019 between 2015 pm and 2115 pm.
The case had been mentioned in the Sessions Court but, on December 15, 2020, the Federal Court allowed an application by the defence to transfer the case to the High Court.
Young was first charged in the Sessions Court here on August 23, 2019, when he was the state Housing, Local Government, Public Transport, Non-Islamic Affairs and New Villages Committee Chairman.
@ Jackie San
Why Why Why ????
" Reasons to fire an employee include disciplinary and performance issues you cannot solve. Here I am sharing the top five (5) reasons to fire an employee : "
An employee may lack integrity, whereby you've caught them in repeated lies or underhanded actions. Lies by commission, omission, and obfuscation can chip away at the trust you have for an employee.
An employee may believe one little lie won't hurt their standing with the organization, but even the smallest untruth, when discovered, can diminish your regard for the employee. And, because organizational teams are so entwined, it's only a matter of time before you'll find out the employee lied.
Lies of omission are equally damaging. In a lie of omission, the employee fails to give you particularly relevant pieces of information. Or, the employee leaves out the part of the story that will make them look bad. When an employee fails to share the whole picture, you are often blindsided when you receive the rest of the information from another source.
Then there's obfuscation. Here, the employee may believe if they muddy the water enough, or overwhelm you with details, you may not see their performance has been subpar.
If an employee, after training, coaching, repeated practice, and a reasonable amount of time receiving feedback, demonstrates they are not capable of performing the fundamental requirements of the position, it's time to fire the employee.
You could move the employee to a different position, change the requirements of the current job, or create a performance improvement plan. However, the more time you commit to the employee, the more money you'll spend on development and training. It may be more prudent to let a person go early on when you see the lack of ability because you hire for today's job, but tomorrow's vision.
An employee may demonstrate they just don't fit the corporate culture. For example, the employee may not be a team player or work well with others. Any employer wants diverse approaches, thoughts, experiences, and backgrounds to provide innovative and creative solutions. However, a fundamental set of shared values is the glue that binds employees together in productive teams and workgroups.
Let's say a new developer at a software company claimed in interviews that they liked to work as part of a team. They may cite successful college team projects as an example. But once onboard, it's evident they don't work well with others, and behave in a combative, defensive, and uncooperative fashion. As a result, it may be necessary to let the employee go.
Whether it's showing up late for work or not finishing a project as predicted, you cannot depend on this kind of commitment-phobic employee. Everyone misses the occasional deadline, but the best empoloyees keep their boss informed about the challenges along the way and renegotiate due dates as needed.
The employee who fails to keep commitments blindsides the boss, lets their teammates down, and is not available to deliver what co-workers expect, and need. A department or job is like a cog in a wheel. The other parts of the organization depend on each employee to produce their work.
Every employer has the right to expect employees to act ethically as defined in the company policy, as well as the code of conduct. Examples of unethical behavior include:
a - Any harassment or bullying of a co-worker
b- Accepting gifts that exceed the gift policy guidelines
c- Promoting lavish spending by employees who are attending a conference or entertaining customers
d- Accepting a bribe from a vendor or customer
All these behaviors can-and should-result in the employee's for accuracy and legality, and is not to be construed as legal advice. The site has a woldwide audience, and employment laws and regulations vary from state to state and country to country, so the site cannot be definitive on all of them for your workplace. When in doubt, always seek legal counsel or assistance from State, Federal, or International governmental resources, to make certain your legal interpretation and decisions are correct. The information on this site is for guidance, ideas, and assistance only.
@ Jackie San
It's been a 2020 kind of year. I have been trying to anticipate the respond from the Canadian government regarding immigration, given the United States Immigration Ban, but could never have anticipated this. The Canadian government wants to grow the economy but with a population of only 37.4 million in the second-largest country in the world, that is proving to be quite challenging. That is why the Immigration and Refugee Council of Canada (IRCC) has been tasked with welcoming over 1.2 million immigrants over the next three years. That's right, the IRCC will be awarding permanent residency to a little over 400,000 immigrants every year until 2023. If you are thinking about immigration to Canada, your timing couldn't be better.
Here I am sharing The Canadian Immigration Targets For The Next 3 Years Are :
2022 - 411,000 Immigrants
2023 - 421,ooo Immigrants
2024 - 431,000 Immigrants
Canada has one of the oldest populations, with 18 percent over the age of 65. That coupled with one of the lowest birth rates, 1.47 children per adult woman and you can see why we are struggling to expand. The solution is obvious, invite hard-working and skilled foreigners to become a part of our nation, to build an even better tomorrow for our next generation, and yours.
I don't know the numbers that will be allocated to the various immigration programs and pilots just yet. An estimated 60% of the annual target will be allocated to economic immigration programs economic class programs and if history is anything to go by, the Express Entry System will take the lion's share of Invitations to Apply (ITA's) for permanent residency.
I may also see the extension of programs such as the Atlantic Immigration Pilot, which has been highly successful at attracting immigrants of all skill levels to the region. Which program will ultimately see you issued an ITA ultimately depends on where you want to live and your occupation, so let's take a look at some of the immigration programs to get an idea of where you may fit in.
Express Entry System
Canada's premier economic migration program is the Express Entry System. Made up of the programs, the system aims to offer skilled foreign invitations to apply for permanent residency in as little as six months from time of application submission. The system is highly competitive and candidates are invited based on a Comprehensive Ranking System (CRS) score, so you will need to maximize your CRS score if you want the opportunity to apply for permanent residency in Canada.
You don't need a job offer in Canada to earn an ITA, though getting one would greatly improve your chances. The system works thus; you create a profile for yourself, provide information relevant to your applications, work experience, language capabilities and a few other factors. Your profile is then entered into one of three pools with other candidates, if your score is high enough, you will be selected and issued an ITA. If you are selected, all you have to do is provide the documents to back up your application and you will be awarded permanent residency in Canada. The three (3) programs or pools are:
a). FEDERAL SKILLED WORKER PROGRAM - for people with experience in managerial and professional roles such as lawyers, accountants and engineers.
b). FEDERAL SKILLED TRADES PROGRAM - for qualified tradesmen with at least two years of experience. You will require a job offer OR certification from a provincial Canadian regulatory body.
c). CANADA EXPERIENCE CLASS - If you have at least one year experience working in Canada in one of the categories above, you are eligible for this preferred program.
If you find that you aren't eligible for the Express Entry System, or maybe you don't think your CRS score will give you a fighting chance, no need to worry. There are numerous pilot programs as well as the Provincial Nominee Program which allow semi-skilled foreign workers with job offers in Canada to become permanent residents in Canada.
One such program is the Atlantic Immigration Pilot (AIP). In 2017, the four provinces of newfoundland & Labrador, New Brunswich, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia that make up Atlantic Canada created the AIP, a program with the aim of bringing the benefits of economic migration to the region. Initially, the program was set to run for two years, but in 2019 it was extended for a further two years and more. Currently, the program already expired in May 2021, and while it has been very successful, I can only hope it will be renewed again. In the meantime, if you could picture yourself living and working in Atlantic Canada, I would highly recommend getting a jump on your application before the deadline. The three available categories are:
a- ATLANTIC INTERNATIONAL GRADUATE PROGRAM -for graduates of post-secondary institutions in one of the Atlantic provinces with a qualification of at least 2 years. No work experience is required.
- If you have a job offer and at least one year of work experience in a managerial, professional, or skilled trade job. You will require some experience and the equivalent of a Canadian high school diploma.
- You only require a job offer in a semi-skilled position that requires on the job training. You must also have at least one year of experience in this type of job and the equivalent of a Canadian high school diploma. Semi-skilled jobs include, but aren't limited to:
>>> Cooks, Butchers, and Bakers;
>>>Food and Beverage Servers ie Waiters, Barmen, Counter Attendants;
>>>Truck Drivers;
>>>Nurse Aides and Orderlies.
Applying for permanent residency in Canada can be time-consuming and confusing. With strict deadlines, procedures and requirements to adhere to, it can be easy to make a mistake that could cost you your chance to immigrate to Canada. But with the guidance and assistance of one of our knowledgeable Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultants (RCIC's), the process will be stress-free.
When you choose to use our expert and government trusted services, you will not only improve your chances of success in the visa application process, but you will get expert advice on which program is best for your specific needs. RCICs are highly qualified and are granted permission by the ICCRC to assist you with your eligibility evaluation, review all your documents and application forms, and submit them to the Canadian government for you.
Last not the least, all you have to do is fill out our application form to receive your eligibility assessment. It's just that simple! Your Canadian journey start here.
@ Jackie San
Noor Kartini Noor Mohamed
We are pretty sure local celebrity Neelofa and members of her family are very eager to put 2021 behind them.
Hopefully, once this case is over, they can do that - provided that they don't cari pasal again lah !
Statement Have Been Recorded !
The Selangor Police revealed that they are in the midst of completing investigations into the case involving the mother of the 32-year-old acress-turned-entrepreneur-turned-wife of Riz, Datin Noor Kartini Noor Mohamed.
Selagor Police Chief Comm Datuk Arjunaidi Mohamed told the Medias that the police have just received the technical report from the Malaysia Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) and will proceeding with the next steps.
" We have just received the report from them, so we will complete our investigation papers before referring it to the Deputy Public Prosecutor for further instruction," he was quoted as saying.
Arjunaidi urged the public to refrain fro speculating about the case, and allow them to conduct a proper and thorough investigation.
He revealed that a total of seven individuals, including Noor Kartini, had their statements recorded.
What Happened ?
On 30 May, 2021, Noor Kartini caused quite a stir on social media when a screenshot of an Instagram Story from her personal Instagram account went viral.
In the Instagram Story, Noor Kartini appeared to have taken a swipe at the Sultan of Johor, criticising him for a statement he made about the lockdown and the state of Emergency.
" If you're concerned, tell him to cancel the emergency! Talk so much, " the caption of the Instagram Story read.
The son of the Sultan of Johor, Tunku Idris, later fired back at Noor Kartini, asking: " Is it true that all the members of her family are like this?"
The Story was deleted a few minutes later, but like they say, the internet never forgets.
Noor Kartini later issued a statement, saying that one of her staff members, who happens to be an admin of her Instagram account, had misused it to post the Story.
" I have never given permission or authority to any admin to issue political statements and posts on my Instagram account. Especially for insulting or provoking the Institution of the Malay Rulers," She said in the statement quoted by Medias.
Noor Kartini later lodged a police report, and apologised to the Ruler.
Meanwhile, Zulshafiqah Zulkafli, Noor Kartini's social media manager, claimed that she did not write the caption in the Instagram Story.
Instead, Zulshafiqah said the image she uploaded onto Instagram was a screenshot of someone else's post, which she had reportedly saved for "reference".
" The purpose of that screenshot was only for my own reference and I had no intention of posting it on Datin Noor Kartini's Instagram or my personal Instagram page.
" I also want to clarify that the photo and original caption that was posted was not written by me or Datin Noor Kartini," she wrote.
Well, we guess that the moral of the story is to check and check and check yet again before posting something up on social media.
The last thing you want is a VIP card to a police station like Neelofa and her family.
@ Jackie San
Tanggapan bahawa Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) Sarawak akan terbubar automatik pada 06 Jun 2021 yang lepas adalah tidak tepat langsung.
Memetik laparan dari Sinar Harian yang lepas, Ahli Majlis Tertinggi Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS), Datuk Seri Wan Junaidi Tuanku Jaafar menjelaskan ini kerana kerajaan Negeri Sarawak adalah tertakluk kepada Ordinan Darurat yang akan sedang dilaksanakan sehingga 01 Ogos 2021 kelak.
" Orang yang membuat tanggapan bahawa DUN Sarawak secara automatik akan terbubar pada 06 Jun 2021 yang lepas ini sebenarnya tidak akan berlaku sama sekali."
" Pengisytiharan darurat telah menyebabkan penggantungan Perlembagaan Malaysia dan juga semua negeri termasuk sekali Negeri Sarawak.
" Jika darurat tidak dibubarkan, maknanya perlembagaan dalam penggal ini masih turut tergantung," katanya.
Wan Junaidi berkata demikian pada sidang akhbar Majlis Pelancaran Platform Warongku peringkat kebangsaan di SME Corp Malaysia di Platinum Sentral di sini, pada Ahad yang lalu.
Jelasnya lagi, Pilihan Raya Negeri (PRN) Sarawak akan dilaksanakan sekiranya mendapat persetujuan daripada Yang di-Pertuan Agong, Yang di-Pertua Negeri dan juga Ketua Menteri Sarawak.
" Negeri tidak boleh mengadakan pilihan raya melainkna Yang di-Pertuan Agong berbincang dengan Yang di-Pertua Negeri dan Ketua Menteri Sarawak.
" Apabila mereka bersetuju untuk mengisytiharkan hari pilihan raya di Sarawak, baru pilihan raya boleh diadakan," ujarnya.
Beliau yang juga Menteri Pembangunan Usahawan dan Koperasi berkata, pilihan raya di Sarawak masih tidak sesuai untuk diadakan pada masa ini disebabkan kes harian COVID-19 di negeri Sarawak masih tinggi dan masih tidak stabil sehingga ke hari ini.
@ Jackie San
A former Indian State Minister was arrested in Bengaluru, India, today after allegedly raping a Malaysian Indian actress, along with a slew of other alleged offences.
M Manikandan, who served as Tamil Nadu's IT minister from 2016 to 2019, has been charged with rape, causing miscarriage, causing hurt, cheating and criminal intimidation under the Indian Penal Code. He has also been charged under the IT Act.
Manikandan's arrest precedes a complaint lodged by actress Shantini Theva with Indian police last month.
She had claimed to have been in a live-in relationship with Manikandan for five years, and that he had promised to marry her despite being already married.
According to a report in the Indian newspaper The Hindu, Manikandan was refused "anticipatory bail" on Wednesday.
The report said Shantini alleged that Manikandan made her pregnant thrice, forced her to get abortions, and threatened her family members in Malaysia when she insisted that he marry her.
In a separate report in another newspaper, The Indian Express, Shantini alleged that the former state minister attacked her on multiple occassions, blackmailed her by threatening to release their intimate photos and videos online, and issued death threats.
The former state minister has reportedly denied all the allegations.
The Hindu's report stated that Manikandan was introduced to Shantini in 2017 and he developed a friendship on the pretext of investing in Malaysia.
@ Jackie San
Seorang ahli Majlis Tertinggi UMNO Kebangsaan menggesa pemilihan disegerakan supaya Ahmad Zahid Hamidi dapat mengubah keputusan parti yang sebelum ini menolak kerjasama dengan Presiden PKR Anwar Ibrahim.
Ahli Majlis Kerja Tertinggi UMNO Zahidi Zainul Abidin turut memaklumkan bahawa kerana Presiden Parti dan juga sekutunya masih meneruskan kerjasama dengan Anwar Ibrahim.
" Kalau dia ubah keputusan maka, buatlah pemilihan parti yang mana ahli parti mahukan. Jika dia kata dia mahu buat jajaran baru jadi kita buat pemilihan parti. Adakah ahli UMNO bersetuju ataupun tidak dan mahu tukar Presiden ? Jadi itulah jalan yang terbaik buat masa ini," katanya kepada MalaysiaNow.
" Sebelum ini dalam Perhimpunan Agung UMNO semua sudah membuat keputusan "NO ANWAR NO DAP" tapi mungkin presiden ini mempunyai pandangan yang berlainan."
MalaysiaNOW sebelum ini beberapa kali telah mendedahkan bukti kerjasama antara Zahid, bekas Perdana Menteri Najib Bin Razak dan juga Anwar Ibrahim untuk menggulingkan kerajaan Perikatan Nasional (PN).
Terbaru tersebar di media sosial tentang dakwaan mengatakan yang mana Ahli Parlimen Jerantut Ahmad Nazlan Idris dan juga Ahli Parlimen Jelebu Jalaluddin Alias dari UMNO dipujuk untuk menandatangani akuan berkanun (SD) menyokong Anwar Ibrahim sebagai Perdana Menteri Malaysia.
Difahamkan kedua-dua ahli Parlimen ini membuat pengakuan kepada Timbalan Presiden UMNO Mohamad Hasan.
MalaysiaNow masih cuba untuk mendapatkan pengesahan Mohamad tetapi belum berjaya buat masa ini.
Zahidi yang juga Timbalan Menteri Komunikasi dan Multimedia turut berkata, apa yang dilakukan Zahid dan juga rakan komplotnya adalah bersikap mementingkan diri sendiri berbanding nasib rakyat yang sedang berjuang melawan Pandemik Wabak COVID-19.
" Semua rakyat Malaysia sedang berusaha menentang Wabak COVID-19 sebab ia melibatkan ekonomi negara termasuklah kebajikan rakyat, jadi inilah fokus utama kita jadi kalau presiden tak sensitif keadaan rakayt ketika ini saya tak tahu lah nak kata apa lagi."
Semalam juga Zahid dalam menggesa kerajaan membuka Parlimen dalam masa 14 hari seperti dinasihatkan oleh Yang di-Pertuan Agong dan Raja-Raja Melayu.
Katanya sekiranya Parlimen tidak dibuka segera, kerajaan pimpinan Perdana Menteri Malaysia pada masa kini iaitu Muhyiddin Yassin telah menderhaka kepada institusi Raja-Raja Melayu.
Zahid turut berkata satu mesyuarat khas Majlis Kerja Tertinggi UMNO akan diadakan bagi memutamadkan tindakan selanjutnya.
Bagaimanapun Perdana Menteri baru-baru ini berkata sebuah jawatankuasa yang dianggotai wakil kerajaan dan pembangkang dibentuk untuk meneliti aspek-aspek penting sebelum persidangan Parlimen yang akan diadakan kelak.
Beliau memberikan komitment dan keputusan pembukaan persidangan Parlimen akan diputuskan oleh kedua-dua pihak kerajaan dan pembangkang di dalam jawatankuasa berkenaan kelak.
" Saya minta jawatankuasa yang dianggotai wakil-wakil kerajaan dan pembangkang untuk menilai perkara berkenaan, dan selepas itu barulah mereka maklumkan kepada saya sama ada sudah bersedia atau tidak untuk memulakan sidang Parlimen," katanya.
@ Jackie San
PETALING JAYA, SELANGOR: A 19-year-old man has been arrested to assist in investigations into his act of feeding alcohol to a give-month-old baby.
Barat Daya district police chief Kamarul Rizal Jenal said the suspect, who had 14 cases on his criminal record, was arrested in Teluk Bahang Penang at 1.30 pm.
" The incident was found to have happened in March at a house the suspect was renting in Kampung Telok Awak, Teluk Bahang.
" The video is believed to have been recorded by a friend of the suspect and when the baby boy was only five (5) months old," he said, according to Berita Harian.
Kamarul Rizal said the victim was now in good health and had been taken to hospital for further examination.
He said the suspect would be brought to the Balik Pulau magistrates' court tomorrow for a remand application.
The case is being investigated under Section 31(1)(a) of the Child Act, relating to the ill-treatment, neglect, abandonment or exposure of children and Section 233 of the Communications and Multimedia Act regarding improper use of network facilities.
Earlier, a 30-second video upload in Median Social of a a man giving alcohol to a five (5) months baby was circulated.
@ Jackie San
A dispute between actors Datuk Seri Eizlan Yusof and Datuk Hans Isaac over a WhatsApp message involving Eizlan's link to a production company and a government grant has now landed in court.
Eizlan or his real name Idris Md Yusof has sued the former National Film Development Corporation Malaysia (FINAS) chairman for alleged defamation.
The suit is in regards to accusations of abuse of power to obtain funds for production company Excellent Pictures Sdn Bhd (EPSB).
The matter came up for case management today before judge Datuk Azimah Omar via e-Review.
When contacted, Eizlan's lawyer Datuk Shaharudin Ali said the court had suggested for the suit to be resolved via mediation or by any other way of settlement.
" During today's proceeding, the court set August 12, 2021 for further case management for both parties to update on the development of the matter (settlement)," he said.
However, Shahrudin said his client has indicated that he was ready to proceed with trial.
Hans was represented by lawyer Isa Aziz.
According to the statement of claim filed on February 08, 2021, Eizlan claimed that the defendant (Hans) had purportedly written and sent a defamatory statement in the Malaysian Film Producers Association (PFM).
WhatsApp group chat which comprised over 200 local film and drama producers as well as artists.
Eizlan claimed that Hans had on November 16, 2020, at about 9.13 pm, spread the lies in the group chat which later circulated outside of the WhatsApp group.
The message, the plaintiff (Eizlan) claimed had linked him to EPSB which was said to have received a financial grant from FINAS.
He claimed that the message had among others created the impression that he had acted in conflict of interest while he was a FINAS board member by using illegal ways to obtain the financial grant for EPSB when he actually had nothing to do with the production company or hold any position in it.
This, he said, had tarnished his professional image and caused him to suffer losses.
The plaintiff is seeking RM 2 million in general damages as well as aggravated and exemplary damages, interests and costs.
He is also seeking an apology under his proposed terms and conditions and approved by the court as well as an injunction order to refrain the defendant or any of his agents to repeat the statement or issue any statement that are defamatory.
Meanwhile, Hans in his statement of defence filed on March 17, 2021, denied ever raising the issue of conflict of interest and contended that the plaintiff's claims that he had nothing to do with Excellent Pictures was untrue.
He said that although the plaintiff held on position in the company, the latter had starred in films and drama series produced by EPSB between all 2004 and 2017.
Therefore, he said, the plaintiff as a FINAS board member should know his responsibilities to not get involved in any matter related to the company to avoid the issue of conflict of interest from being brought up.
He said the WhatsApp group was a closed group with 254 and any information that was spread outside of the group is the responsibility of the group admins as they had created that group.
@ Jackie San