
How To Reboot Printer Fujixerox Problem


Technology can be a thing of beauty when all systems are go.But when hardware or software do not perform, delays are costly and frustrating. Here's the top five printing snags and our quick-fix remedies to solve them.



We see this a lot: your printer has been good to you, and you've grown rather attached to it...it fits just right and has all the configurations exactly as you want them. And yet, you're starting to notice little hiccups now and then - a grating noise here, a collating problem there...


Accept the fact that it may be time to let it go, bearing in mind the steep cost of holding onto outdated legacy technology, not only in terms of business drag but the price of a hamstrung IT department. When you're ready for a replacement, consider a new printer with a service contract. You also can see all of xerox product line at xerox.com/office.



Next to the almighty paper jam, nothing happening also ranks high on the printing problem list.


First, check that you sent the print job to the right printer; you may very well be printing dozens of documents in the next department. To make your main printer your default, click navigate to Printers and Faxes in Windows. Right-click on your printer icon and select Set as default printer.

Did you check that there's enough - and the correct kind - of paper in the tray? While you're at it, make sure your printer is on and that all cables are secure. Both USB - and network - connected computers require that the print driver be installed on the computer you're printing from. Print drivers with a two-way communication feature can tell you what might be causing your issue via desktop or driver notifications, without making a trip to the printer.

And finally, if your printer just won't print or your job print job seems stuck in the queue, the easiest solution is to restart. Begin by restarting your software application. If that doesn't work, reboot your computer. Lastly, turn off your printer for a few minutes before switching it back on.



You printer is operating perfectly - but your final product looks terrible. Smudges, poor image quality or faded type make even the best documents look sloppy and unprofessional.


Try these easy fixes for better quality laser printing. If your issues persist, the problem is more likely to be due to supplies or hardware.

  • Check your print driver to make sure you have the correct paper or media selected.
  • Double check that the paper loaded in the tray matches the type selected in the printer driver.
  • In some laser printers, the fuser has an adjustment for paper type. If your printer's fuser can be adjusted manually, check to see that it's set properly but be aware: fusers get very hot so exercise caution.
  • Check out your toner cartridges, imaging unit(s) and the fuser for damage. These components vary by model and manufacturer so it's best to refer to the User Guide.
  • If you've got smudge marks, print several blank sheets of paper and they will eventually fade away.


PROBLEM: Paper Jams

So you've remedied the cause for slow printing only to end up with the King Of All Printer Nightmares - the paper jam problem.


Your User Guide or control panel instructions should walk you through this easily enough. In fact, some Xerox printers provide video assistance and lighted interiors to make jam clearance a snap. Start by inspecting the paper path and remove any jammed material, being careful to take out any stuck paper straight - and above all - not tearing it. If it's caught between rollers, follow the guide on how to release the pressure.

If it's a misaligned paper that caused the jam, remove the tray to make sure the paper is positioned correctly and reseat the tray. Sometimes you may find no misfeat sheet at all, in which case you'll need to remove the paper stack, check to see if it's squared properly and reposition it back in the tray - all after taking a deep breath.

As a rule you should always make sure the type of paper being printed is supported by your printer. And also remember to store your paper where it's dry to avoid moisture that can make printing difficult.


PROBLEM: Printing Takes Too Long

Nothing is worse than making great time with a project only to hit the wall when it comes time to print. Slow print time can be caused by a high resolution setting, a memory issue, and/or choice of drivers.


High-resolution images have more data for your PC and printer to process, which can cause slow print times. If you're not looking for gallery quality, select draft, standard or normal mode for office documents. For presentations or formal pieces switch your setting back to high-quality. If processing large files with complex images is part of your regular workflow, consider adding memory to keep your printer humming along.

Switch from two-sided to simplex mode. You'll use more paper but one-sided printing takes considerably less time.

Your driver can determine speed outcome, too. High-end lasers and even some inkjets are available with a choice of drivers including PostScript, PCL and/or the manufacturer's host-based driver. In general, PCL is best for faster office printing and PostScript is better for graphics intensive applications and industries.

@ Jackie San


Hibah Tabung Haji Lebih Tinggi Dari ASB 2019


Bagi Tahun Kewangan 2018, TH mengagihkan hibah sebanyak 1.25 % melibatkan RM 913 Juta kepada semua pendepositnya. 

KUALA LUMPUR:  Lembaga Tabung Haji (TH) menjangkakan pembayaran hibah (dividen) lebih tinggi bagi tahun kewangan 2019, kata Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutifnya Nik Mohd Hasyudeen Yusoff.
 Beliau berkata pencapaian prestasi kewangan tabung Haji amat positif jika dibandingkan dengan Amanah Saham (ASB) dan prestasi kewangannya pada suku tahun ketiga tahun ini meningkat malah berada pada landasan terbaik.

"Jikalau dilihat setakat bulan September 2019, Alhamdulillah...Pencapaian TH (berada0 di dalam trek yang membanggkan dan betul, jadi kita lihatlah nanti.
"Tahun ini masih berbaki kurang seminggu lagi. Insya Allah pembayaran hibah akan lebih baik daripada tahun pencapaian 2018 dan yang lebih membanggakan adalah hibah TH lebih tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan ASB," katanya selepas majlis penyerahan sumbangan kenderaan dwifungsi kepada wajil masjid terpilih seluruh negara di sini hari ini. 

Bagi Tahun Kewangan 2018, TH mengagihkan hibah sebanyak 1.25% yang melibatkan RM 913 Juta kepada semua pendepostinya.
Sehingga 30 November 2019, TH mempunyai 8.71 juta pendeposit termasuk 87,000 akaun simpanan yang baru.

 Menurut rekodnya, prestasi suku ketiga TH adalah baik dengan jumlah aset terkumpul terus mengatasi tanggungan sebanyak RM 2.3 bilion, lebih tinggi berbanding RM 1 bilion pada 2018 manakala keuntungan bersih berjumlah RM 500 Juta pada suku ketiga tahun 2019, meningkatkan keuntungan untuk tempoh sembilan bulan pertama kepada RM 1.3 bilion.

 Mengenai sumbangan kenderaan dwifungsi, Nik Mohd Hasyudeen berkata Tabung Haji komited merancang akan memperluaskan sumbangan seumpama ini ke Negeri Sabah dan juga Negeri Sarawak bermulai Tahun 2020 nanti.

Sebanyak 25 kenderaan dwifungsi bernilai kira-kira Rm 3 Juta disumbangkan menerusi Program Mobiliti Tabung Haji untuk dimanfaatkan ahli kariah bagi tujuan urusan pengebumian dan juga pengangkutan.
Sementera itu, Pembantu Pengurus Masjid Jamek Rahimah, Kuala Kubu Bharu, Radzulai Yahaya menyifatkan sumbangan itu sebagai rezeki tidak ternilai yang akan dijaga dan digunakan sebaik mungkin.

"Pada mulanya kami ingatkan van jenazah, rupa-rupanya van serbaguna. Kami memang amat memerlukan kenderaan seumpama ini kerana van jenazah sedia ada hanya dipinjam," katanya.

Pengerusi dan Imam Masjid Al-Raudhah Machang, Zulkafli Jusoh ketika menzahirkan ucapan penghargaan turut berasa terharu dengan sumbangan daripada Lembaga Tabung Haji bagi Jemaah Haji itu memandangkan pihaknya telah beberapa kali membuat permohonan kepada pelbagai pihak sebelum ini yang tidak terbalas. Akhirnya sumbangan TH ini mengembirakan mereka.

@Jackie San


Gaji Minima RM 1,800 Tahun 2020


Kerajaan akan mempertimbangkan cadangan Kongres Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (Cuepacs) yang meminta agar gaji minimum penjawat awam ditetapkan sebanyak RM 1,800 sebulan.

Timbalan Menteri Sumber Manusia, Datuk Mahfuz Omar berkata tuntutan itu merupakan salah satu hak Cuepacs dalam menjamin sesuatu yang lebih baik kepada penjawat awam, bagaimanapun kerajaan juga turut mempunyai hak yang sama sebelum membuat keputusan.

"Kerajaan juga ada hak untuk mempertimbangkan sesuatu yang munasabah dengan keperluan lonjakan ekonomi dalam negara kita. Kerajaan mempunyai pandangan 'cermin besar' yang perlu dilihat untuk masa hadapan masyarakat bukan hanya kepada golongan pekerja yang bermajikan dan semua itu harus diambil kira.


"Tuntutan Cuepacs itu menunjukkan sensitiviti mereka dalam membantu pekerja sama ada sektor awam atau swasta tetapi kerajaan sudah tentu ada pertimbangan dari sudut berkemampuan dan keupayaan kerajaan dan mengambil kira keupayaan majikan di peringkat swasta," katanya kepada pemberita selepas Program Sumbangan Komuniti di Pokok Sena di sini, kelmarin.

Katanya, sekiranya pihak majikan tidak berupaya untuk membayar gaji dan kerajaan memaksa serta meletakkan syarat, pihak majikan mungkin menutup operasi dan itu akan menyebabkan lebih ramai orang akan hilang pekerjaan.

Sementera itu, Mahfuz berkata kerajaan juga memutuskan kadar gaji minimum akan dinaikkan daripada RM 1,100 kepada RM 1,200 sebulan bermula awal tahun hadapan di kawasan bandar yang terpilih yang dilihat kos sara hidup pekerja kini semakin meningkat.


"Isu gaji minimum ini memang ramai tidak puas hati. Bermula RM 980 naik kepada RM 1,100 namun masih ada yang tidak berpuas hati tetapi dalam manifesto Pakatan Harapan (PH) kita telah berjanji untuk menaikkan sehingga RM 1,500 namun proses itu secara berperingkat dalam tempoh masa lima tahun," katanya.

Beliau berkata demikian ketika diminta mengulas kenyataan yang dibuat Presiden Cuepacs Adnan Mat, Khamis lalu yang meminta agar kerajaan menetapkan gaji minimum sebanyak RM 1,800 sebulan bagi penjawat awam berikutan kos hidup semakin meningkat.

Adnan berkata ianya selaras dengan keperluan gaji minimum baru itu dibuat berdasarkan kepada beberapa aspek, antaranya bagi menampung kos keperluan isi rumah, nilai harga rumah agar semua mampu milik serta kadar potongan bulanan selain ianya dapat membantu mengurangkan masalah tekanan kos sara hidup yang semakin hari semakin meningkat di samping membentuk generasi yang lebih baik pada masa depan.


@ Jackie San


What Is Asia's New Business Address ?

TRX - Asia's New Business Address 

Developments in the last decade have put Asia in a prime position to drive global economic growth for years to come. Forecasts by the Asian Development Bank predict that Malaysia is among the top high growth Asian economies that will lead Asia to account for more than 45 percent of global GDP by year 2050. The international business community, too, has shown confidence in Malaysia, ranking in 18th for ease of conducting business, 9th in financial market development and 19th for competitiveness worldwide. 

In recognising the nation's potential, the Malaysian government has been investing in infrastructure that will support a knowledge-based, high-value economy moving forward.

Today, Kuala Lumpur is a vibrant, diverse and dynamic city, and the addition of a dedicated financial district will only take the nation's economic growth to new heights. To realise the government's objective of transforming Malaysia into a major hub for global finance and commerce in Southeast Asia, the idea of Tun Razak Exchange (TRX), Malaysia's first international financial district, was conceived.


TRX aims to help transform Kuala Lumpur into a prominent Asian financial hub like Singapore and Hong Kong; a sustainable financial centre that will attract foreign investment to stimulate wealth creation and economic prosperity. The 70-acre financial district in the heart of the bustling capital promises to be a haven for foreign investment and home to some of the world's biggest businesses, cultivating a modern and dynamic financial ecosystem. The nucleus of TRX, Exchange 106 is being developed by the Mulia Group and is set to be the tallest tower in Southeast Asia.

Sporting world-class business facilities, communications infrastructure and cutting-edge security, the imposing skyscraper will be a welcome addition to the breathtaking Kuala Lumpur skyline.

"Our blueprint is to complement other iconic towers in Malaysia, giving a fresher and contemporary look. The signature tower will fulfill TRX's potential in developing the city as Malaysia's international financial district,".


But TRX is more than just a financial hub. Australia property and infrastructure group Lendlease is working in partnership with TRX City Sdn Bhd to design the district's lifestyle quarter, The Exhange TRX, which will feature recreational green spaces, residences, luxury business and leisure hotels, as well as a vibrant retail mall.

"We want it to be sustainable in the long-term because we are not just building a shopping centre. The idea is for it to become a major public place where the community can come and play," said Lendlease Managing Director and Country Head (Malaysia), Stuart Mendel.

Global giants such as HSBC and Prudential as well as local leaders like Affin Bank have already committed to establishing regional offices in TRX, and they will soon be accompanied by other prominent and renowned companies.

These companies are facilitated by the Government's support in the form of attractive incentives for investors and companies looking to move their business operations to the new district.

"We are ahead of the schedule and we will be moving part of our businesses (to TRX) by the end of 2020," said HSBC Malaysia Chief Executive Officer, Stuart Milne.

"This is a prime location and having an office here will definitely reinforce our branding and position in the market," said Affin Bank Berhad Group Chief Executive Officer, Kamarul Ariffin Mohd Jamil.

The smart and sustainably-designed TRX will be further complemented by excellent connectivity via highways and public transportation, making TRX one of the best-connected business districts in Asia.


@ Jackie San


FITNAH JATUHKAN MENTERI - Sebarkan Video Sex Luar Tabiee

 Fitnah Jatuhkan Menteri Kabinet - Khairuddin 

Sebuah video intim yang didakwa mengandungi aksi seks luar tabii mirip menyerupai Menteri Kabinet adalah merupakan usaha pembangkang bagi membuat fitnah besar-besaran serta menjatuhkan karier politik individu berkenana yang kini berada di tahap kurang sihat.

Penyelaras Parlimen Jasin, Datuk Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan menegaskan bahawasanya ia sekali gus tabiat jahat pihak pembangkang bagi menjatuhkan Menteri Kabinet tersebut. 

"Kalangan kebankraban idea ini mustahil akan berjaya kerana video tersebut adalah orang yang sememangnya berbeza. Sekiranya netizen percaya ia menampakkan kebodohan yang tinggi bagi masyarakat kita yang lebih percayakan media sosial dan bukannya kepribadian yang baik dari Menteri Kabinet tersebut. Jangan mudah percaya dengan Media Sosial kerana rakyat kita bodoh sangat percayakan penyebar video tersebut."


"Saya tidak berniat untuk menyebelahi Menteri Kabinet berkenaan tetapi beliau adalah salah seorang tokoh pemimpin muda Melayu yang berwibawa, bijak, hormat orang senior dah kita harus mempertahankannya." Jelas beliau.

"Saya mempunyai belasan tahun berkecimpung dengan politik kejam ini namun saya faham bahawasanya beliau mempunyai aura tersendiri walaupun saya pernah membenci beliau sebelum ini. Atas dasar kepercayaan yang tinggi, maka kami sudah lama berdamai dengan kepercayaan di antara satu sama lain dan beliau sememangnya mempunyai sifat yang harus dicontohi." Saya mengaku bahawa saya masih bukan dalam 'Circle' beliau juga, katanya dalam satu kenyataan di sini. 

Sebelum ini, tersebarnya di media sosial serta surat khabar rasmi tempatan beberapa klip video seks luar tabii didakwa mirip seorang Menteri Kabinet tular juga di sistem pesanan ringkas WhatsApp. 


Jelas Khairuddin, Menteri Kabinet berkenaan adalah seorang tokoh pemimpin muda yang berwibawa yang harus dipertahankan kerana beliau adalah salah seorang aset negara yang terbaik. Oleh yang demikian maka wujudlah pihak tertentu yang mengambil peluang dalam kancah pimpinan Kerajaan PH untuk menjatuhkan anak muda ini. 

Lebih memalukan lahirnya pelakon seks luar tabii dari Negeri Sarawak yang sanggup disoggok dengan wang ringgit membuat pengakuan mengamalkan seks songsang dan aktif di Malaysia itu. Tidak kah beliau malu dengan diri dan keluarganya adakah sanggup menerima sebagai adik beradik, anak serta orang kampung nya sendiri akan menyanjungi nya??

Haziq sememangnya insan yang tidak berguna di dunia ini.!!! Jelas beliau.

"Menteri Kabinet berkenaan juga tidak perlu melayan kerja-kerja bodoh ini yang tidak berasas dan percayalah bahawasanya sebaran netizen terhadap video yang tidak berasas itu hanya sekejap dan ianya akan pudar. Kebijakkan masyarakat kita tidak akan mudah percaya dengan tularnya video berkenaan kerana Tuhan Itu Maha Adil. Di Zaman siber ini, puak-puak jahat ini ataupun musuh-musuh politik boleh mencipta, mengubah serta menyebarkan apa saja untuk memfitnah orang. Bahkan kita harus ingat bahawasanya Fitnah itu Lebih Besar Dosanya Dari Membunuh!

"Telefon saya sendiri sering diceroboh serta diklonkan. Puak jahat ini dapat menggunakan telefon pintar untuk melakukan apa saja bagi tujuan memfitnah."

"Berkali-kali melihat gambar dan video yang tular itu, saya sudah dapat buat kesimpulan bahawa ianya tidak berasa sama sekali," katanya.

Tegasnya, ia tindakan puak terdesak selain musuh politik Menteri Kabinet itu yang sengaja mahu mensabotaj seterusnya menghancurkan kareer politik Menteri Kabinet tersebut.

"Ini bukan perbuatan pertama kali mereka. Ianya sudah banyak kali mereka melakukan perbuatan keji dan tidak bermoral ini. Saya sendiri tidak akan menghiraukan fitnah itu seandainya saya adalah Menteri Kabinet berkenaan.

"Memberi perhatian kepada perkara-perkara berunsur fitnah dan jahat ini adalah perbuatan buang masa semata-mata. Banyak lagi yang perlu kita perhebatkan dalam diri kita. Sebelum menyebar dan menularkan sesuatu perkara, cermin lah diri kita sendiri adakah kita seorang yang baik, terpuji serta ingatlah senantiasa Tuhan kita. Semua agama tidak mengajar umatnya berlaku jahat.!!!

"Keseluruhan rakyat hendak melihat kita memberikan tumpuan kepada kerja-kerja yang bertujuan membina semula Malaysia yang telah dirosakkan secara teruk oleh Kerajaan Kleptokrasi terdahulu iaitu Kerajaan Barisan Nasional," ujarnya.

Tambahnya, rakyat juga tidak mahu lagi membuang masa melayani perkara-perkara yang tidak berfaedah dan menguntungkan ini.

"Kita sudah lali dan terlalu biasa dengan agenda-agenda jahat dalam arena politik. Jadi tidak perlulah lagi kita pula menjadi bodoh untuk melayani puak-puak yang tidak berguna ini," katanya.

Perdana Menteri Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad turut berkata, beliau tidak tahu menahu tentang tularnya sebuah video intim yang didakwa mengandungi aksi seks luar tabii mirip Menteri Kabinet tersebut. Bahkan Tun M mengingatkan semua rakyat terutamanya Netizen agar jangan mudah mempercayai sebaran jahat yang disebarkan oleh mereka yang tidak bertanggungjawab untuk memusnahkan keamanan Negara Malaysia tercinta ini.


@ Jackie San


A million Muslim Uighurs In China Hot Issues 2019


"Our center is to prevent terrorism thoughts from happening,” the director of one of the centers tells NBC News". 

MOYU COUNTY, China — In a classroom in far western China, a dozen adults wearing white lab coats sit at a long table, textbooks on animal husbandry open in front of them.
The din of chickens and geese and a bucolic mural of cows belie the fact that the students are in one of a vast network of camps in Xinjiang, a region that is home to more than 10 million Muslim Uighurs.
Around 10 percent of the Muslim Uighur population of Xinjiang is locked up, according to the U.S. government and human rights organizations. The Chinese Communist Party maintains these centers are a crucial part of its effort to counter extremism, separatism and terror. 
Bu’ayixiemu Abulizi, director of the Moyu County Vocational Education and Training Center in Hotan Prefecture in the southwestern corner of Xinjiang, made it clear the role of the centers is to change the minds and thoughts of those who are forced to live there.
“If we leave the terrorism thoughts to be developed, it is very easy to have riots or other issues. We prevent this from happening,” he told NBC News in early September. “Our center is to prevent terrorism thoughts from happening.”
International rights groups charge that Chinese authorities are actually engaging in mass arbitrary detention, torture and mistreatment of Uighurs in Xinjiang. Human Rights Watch, a nonprofit group based in New York, has alleged “rampant abuses,” including torture and unfair trials of the population.
Gay McDougall, a member of the United Nations Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, accused China last year of turning Xinjiang into "something resembling a massive internment camp that is shrouded in secrecy, a sort of o-rights zone."
The Chinese government gave NBC News rare access to three of what it calls “vocational education and training centers” where they say Uighurs receive lessons in law and culture, Mandarin, and skills like shop-keeping, hospitality, animal husbandry and e-commerce.
Government minders brought NBC News to two camps in Hotan Prefecture and one in Kashgar, in the northwest of the province. NBC spoke to the director of each camp, and Uighur detainees were made available for interviews, always with government and camp officials present.
At the camps NBC News visited, dormitories were sparsely furnished with few personal possessions. Some classrooms were equipped with computers and others with musical instruments. It is impossible to know whether conditions in the camps were changed or improved for the purpose of NBC’s visit, or whether conditions in other camps are similar.
The government did not answer NBC News’ questions on how many centers there are in the region, how many people have passed through them or how many are currently being held there. The Australian Strategic Policy Institute, a nonpartisan think tank, estimates that there are 143 camps currently detaining Uighurs.
In front of minders, farmer Abliza Hijgiabula admitted his wrongdoing.
“As a Chinese citizen, I have broken Chinese laws and regulations, I committed a crime, I betrayed my country, I broke the law and wasn’t grateful for the good policies,” the 41-year-old farmer, who was imprisoned for six years for preaching separatism, said.
Hijgiabula, who spoke with NBC News during a class in animal husbandry, said he had been released from prison and sent to the camp, where he had spent a year.
According to Chinese officials, there are three types of students at these reeducation centers: those who have committed a minor offense like wearing a burqa or watching an illegal religious video; those who have committed more serious offenses and were given the choice to attend instead of going to jail; and others who are sent for rehabilitation after a prison term.
Abulizi, the camp director, said that when people arrive, they are first given lessons in Chinese law and Mandarin, China’s national language. Then they are taught vocational skills, he said.
To leave the centers, the detainees must pass exams, officials said. Despite repeated requests, officials would not provide the exact criteria they use to determine a person’s release. Instead, they said that “graduation” tests combine assessments of language skills, understanding of Chinese law and regulations, “de-radicalization” and vocational skills.
While officials may teach Mandarin and vocational skills at the camps, that is not their real purpose, according to Dennis Wilder, a former National Security Council director for China and former CIA deputy assistant director for East Asia and the Pacific.
“They're really about crushing, to some degree, the Muslim culture, the Uighur culture – getting people to feel much more bonded to the Communist Party than to their own religious beliefs,” said Wilder, who is also the managing director of the Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues at Georgetown University in Washington. “This is trying to fundamentally change the hearts and minds of these people. It's about enforcing allegiance.”
“This is a war against separatism,” he added. “And they’re going to use whatever techniques they need to make sure they suppress this.”
Omar Kanat, director of the Uyghur Human Rights Project, a rights advocacy organization based in Washington, called the centers “concentration camps” which aim is to wipe out Uighur culture.
“They are forcing the detainees to renounce their religion, renounce their culture, renounce their identity, force them to speak Mandarin,” said Kanat, who also serves as the chairman of the World Uyghur Congress’ Executive Committee and advocates for an independent Uighur state. “They are forcing them to say there is no God, there is only the Communist Party.”
In Istanbul, Muslim Uighurs who have fled China told NBC News that some of their relatives in Xinjiang have been detained and not heard from since.
“Once she returned to the homeland, the local government, the Communists, confiscated her passport by saying, ‘We will give back your passport later.’”
After that, in May 2017, Abdulla was detained and imprisoned, Rejep said, while playing with Hamza.
“Later, I heard from other people that she was sentenced to nine years in jail,” he added, speaking from his home in Istanbul, where he is part of the largest expatriate Uighur population outside of Central Asia.
NBC News was not able to independently confirm this account. Chinese officials dismiss such stories as lies.
Serious tensions have plagued relations between the Chinese state and the Uighur population in Xinjiang in the last 25 years. The area is rich in natural resources and is part of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative — a massive infrastructure project to connect China with the rest of Asia, Europe and Africa.
Chinese officials say that since 1990, “several thousand” people have been killed or injured in “explosions, assassinations, poisoning, arson and riots” carried out by Uighurs.
In 2009, rioting in the Xinjiang regional capital of Urumqi left nearly 200 dead, the Chinese say. Uighur militants have been accused of attacks on train stations, markets and a car bombing in Tiananmen Square in Beijing that killed two tourists. In March 2014, a group of Uighurs killed 31 at a train station in the southwestern city of Kunming and just a few months later, in May, a bombing at a market in Urumqi left 43 people dead, according to officials.
The unrest has horrified the Chinese. In an effort to highlight the Uighur violence, Chinese officials started NBC News’ tour in Xinjiang with a presentation on terrorism, documenting each attack they say was perpetrated by the Muslim minority.
Surveillance has been stepped up throughout the region, as in the whole country. Police checkpoints and facial recognition-equipped security cameras are pervasive in the area. Muslims are only allowed to pray at state-sanctioned mosques.
The camp directors defended their centers and said that conditions were comfortable for the Uighurs there. Rejep told NBC News that he and his wife, Aygul Abdulla, fled to the neighboring nation of Kyrgyzstan. Three years ago, and 10 days after she gave birth to a boy, Hamza, she went to Xinjiang to pick up the couple’s four other sons to take them back to Turkey. Rejep says he has not seen his wife and older sons since.
“The conditions of our accommodations are very good,” said Mijiti Maihemuti, director of Kashgar's vocational education and training center. “There are six people living in a room. There is air conditioning, TV, wardrobes, etc. We provide all these to our students free of charge.”
The U.S. government has taken an increasingly hard line against China’s treatment of the Uighurs and has weighed sanctions against senior Chinese officials in Xinjiang, including the autonomous region’s Communist Party chief, Chen Quanguo, who is in the upper echelons of China's leadership.
On Wednesday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo condemned China’s treatment of Uighurs.
"When the state rules absolutely, it demands its citizens worship government, not God. That's why China has put more than 1 million Uighur Muslims ... in internment camps," he said during a Vatican conference on religious freedom. "When the state rules absolutely, God becomes an absolute threat to authority."
Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., sponsored a bill calling for tough action against China over the treatment of the Uighurs. He has accused Beijing of “putting kids in state-sponsored orphanages, stripping them of their names, stripping them of their ethnic and religious identity.”
“Totalitarian governments are very good at orchestrating and stagecraft,” he said. “They control 100 percent this region. They control who gets to speak, and who gets to say, and what you get to see.”
Chinese officials deny accusations that the camps shown to the media are staged. And regardless, they say, the policies toward the Uighurs are working.
“Through the measures we have taken in recent years, Xinjing is a stable, prosperous society, which should not be taken for granted,” said Xu Guixiang, deputy head of publicity for the Communist Party of China, Xinjiang Committee.
"This proves that our measures are effective.”

@ Jackie San

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