
Jangan Terlalu Leka Dengan Pandemik COVID -19 - Bank Negara Beri Amaran


Bank Negara Malaysia beri amaran berkaitan sebarang kelekaan dalam menangani pandemik boleh mengakibatkan penularan semula COVID -19 virus dan juga seterusnya akan mendorong penguatkuasaan semula langkah semestinya bagi pembendungan yang boleh dianggap diperketatkan kelak, kata Gabenor Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM), Datuk Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus.

Selain itu, beliau turut memaklumkan bahawa wujud ketidakpastikan yang ketara mengenai evolusi dan juga trajektori pandemik biarpun pada ketikan ini ekonomi telah muda menunjukkan tanda-tanda proses pemulihan telah berlaku dan juga program imunisasi vaksin COVID -19 sedang rancak dilaksanakan di seluruh negara bagi membendung penyebaran pandemik tersebut.

Setelah setahun (2020) pandemik melanda seluruh dunia, situasi krisis paling teruk juga sudah kita lihat di mata kita sendiri. Namun begitu, terlalu banyak cabaran dunia yang harus kita sama - sama tempuhi bagi kelangsungan hidup ini demi masa hadapan generasi kita dan akan datang. Marilah kita sama - sama bersatu hati, bekerjasama tanpa memilih pangkat, bangsa dan agama kerana muafakat semestinya membawa keberkatan kepada seluruh masyarakat di Malaysia.


@ Jackie San


7 Tips How To Book The Cheapest Flights ?




1# Which Day Of The Week Is The Best Day To Buy Airline Tickets ?

For both United States domestic and international travel, Sundays can be cheaper* for plane ticket purchases compared to Asian. For domestic flights, Mondays showed the highest average ticket prices and for international, avoid booking on Fridays. Booking on the right day of the week could save you up to 20% on your flight*, according to historical data.


2# How Far Ahead Should I Buy Airline Tickets ?

Based on 2019 global flight data, 21 days prior to departure* is the sweet spot for booking flights. But this isn't a hard-and-fast rule; keeping an eye on prices is a good idea when trying to find the best deal. Compare fares across different airlines and set up a price alert for your preferred route.

3# Which Are The Cheapest Month To Fly ?

Analysis of domestic and international airfare prices showed that flying out on Sundays can be cheaper*. Many travellers start their trips on Friday or Sundays, so your chances of a lower price are better when departing early in the week instead. Starting your trip on a Sunday could be almost 24% cheaper* than air travel on Fridays, so book wisely!

4# Which Is The Cheapest Month To Fly ?

The cheapest month to fly can vary depending on where you're going, so finding the best rates largely comes down to avoiding peak travel times for your destination. A great insider tip is to travel during shoulder season - a name for the window of time between a destination's high and low tourist seasons. These are the best times to score better rates and still enjoy temperate weather. Peak times that tend to be pricier no matter where you're headed are June and July, due to the summer break schedule for families, and December, around Christmas and New Year's.

5# How Can I Find The Cheapest Flights On Expedia?

Compare plane ticket prices at a glance from a large inventory of carriers on Expedia. You can get cheap flights by staying flexible with travel dates, carriers, and nonstop/layover flights to get the best price. Insider tip: Become a member (it's free!) to earn rewards back on every booking. We make your travel stress free and source incredible airfare deals, so you can sit back, relax, and start your vacation or business trip.

6# How Can I Save Money On Flights ?

Mixing and matching airlines and fare types could help save money on airfare to your destination. Easily compare prices on carriers, arrival and departure dates, airplane cabin class, and more when you book with Expedia. Booking your plane ticket on a Sunday, and departing on Thursday or Friday, could possibly save you money*, based on historical data.

7# How Can I Get A Cheap Last - Minute Flight ?

The historical data analysis of flight pricing patterns shows that you can still find amazing deals on airfare 3 weeks prior to departure*. Try to stay flexible with travel dates, airports, and nonstop/layover flights to find the cheapest flights on Expedia. Whether you're planning a quick business trip or a spontaneous holiday with friends, you'll have your choice of last-minute flights, round trip, or multi-city flights on Expedia. You'll find everything you need for your travels all in one place - and all at the right price.

@ Jackie San


Why Some One Want To Be Alone And For What Reasons ?


What Is Alone ?

Alone is an adjective and an adverb meaning that no other person is with you. When we use alone as an adjective, it never comes before the noun (predicative adjective). In American English, lonesome means the same as lonely.

Why Some One Want To Be Alone And What Reasons For That Matters ?

Are you one of those people who likes spending time alone? If so, you probably already know that there are some people who will stigmatize you for it. They think you are alone because you are anxious around other people and just don't have very positive relationships with humans. They assume you are lonely and depressed.

That's been the prevailing storyline about spending time alone for far too long. More recently, scholars are increasingly recognizing and documenting the value of solitude. They believe that spending time alone can be good for creativity, self-insight, self-development, relaxation, and spirituality.

One of the most important determinants of whether time alone is a good experience or a fraught one is whether you choose to be alone. If you are spending time  alone because that what you want, then that will probably be a psychologically healthy experience. If instead you are home alone feeling despondent because you really want to be with other people, that's much more problematic. 

As important as that distinction is, some scholars believe it is not enough. Even people who choose to be alone, they point out, can do so for different reasons. Some reasons for being alone are likely to be indicative of good psychological health, while others are more likely to spell trouble.

What Are Different Reasons For Being Alone ?

The social scientists Virgina Thomas and Margarita Azmitia tested their predictions about the importance of different kinds of reasons for being alone in research that was published in the Journal of Adolescence in year 2019. They created a short form of a scale measuring people's motivation for solitude and administered it to 176 adolescents (high school students), average age of 16) and 258 young adults (college students, ages 18-25).

In the Motivation for Solitude Scale, participants begin with the prompt, "When I spend time alone, I do so because..." and then indicate the importance of each of 14 reasons. Items from the two categories of reasons were all mixed together when participants answered the survey. I've separated them so you can see the differences.

Examples of the positive (instrinsically motivated) reasons for spending time alone:

a. I enjoy the quiet.

b. I can engage in activities that really interest me.

c. I value the privacy.

d. It helps me stay in touch with my feelings.

e. Being alone helps me get in touch with my spirituality.

Examples of the negative (extrinsically motivated) reasons for spending time alone:

a. I feel anxious when I'm with others.

b. I don't feel liked when I'm with others.

c. I can't be myself around others.

d. I regret things I say or do when I'm with others.

To see whether the negative reasons for being alone really were associated with painful experiences or perceived inadequacies, the researchers included relevant measures such as:

a. Loneliness (e.g., "I feel left out.")

b. Depression (e.g., In the past week, " I felt that I could not shake off the blues even with help from my family o friends.")

c. Social anxiety (e.g., experiencing fear or anxiety while "talking with people you don't know very well.")

Measures of positive experiences were included, too. The survey administered to the young adults included all of the following measures; the adolescents answered only some of them.

a. Personal growth (e.g., " I have a sense that I have developed a lot as a person over time.")

b. Self-acceptance (e.g., " I like most aspects of my personality.")

c. Positive relationships with others (e.g., " Most people see me as loving and affectionate.")

d. Identity (e.g., " I've got a clear idea of what I want to be.")

e. Autonomy (e.g., " Being happy with myself is more important to me than having others approve of me.")

f. Mastery (e.g., ' I am quite good at managing the many responsibilities of my daily life.")

g. Purpose (e.g., " I enjoy making plans for the future and working to make them a reality.")

Why Do People Want To Be Alone ?

With the constancy of devices that give us all kinds of ways to be distracted from ourselves, silence and being alone has even become feared. Some of us really don't want to be alone. Ever. The thing is, having some alone time is incredibly valuable. For you, your well-being, and your development as a person.

When You Need To Be Alone ?

 You need to be alone when you are not at home with yourself. When spending a night by yourself makes you want to tremble and take cover from the storm that rages on inside your mind, you need to learn to find your own shelter. When you want someone else to come and hold you close just to distract you from yourself, you need to learn to hold your own hand. We can love one another but nobody can save us from ourselves and when we don't understand that in the slightest, we need to be alone the most.

You need to be alone when you're unhappy with yourself. When your flaws and shortcomings are things you hope someone will someday love away, rather than inadequacies that you resolve to work on within yourself. When you're hoping that someone is going to come along and save you from the mess that you've created, you need to learn to put yourself back together. You need to learn what you have to offer, not just what you have to take. You have to learn to be the person who saves you.

You need to be alone when you can't look at another human being - not from across the subway or the table or the sheets that are bunched up between you - and not imagine what it's going to feel like once it's over. When every new beginning is just another reminder of each painful ending that preceded it, you are not ready to start over. The person you're going to fall in love with deserves all your beginnings and none of your endings and if you're still torn up about the past and it is bleeding straight into the future, it might mean that you need more time to heal. You need to be alone when you cannot arrive anywhere with your whole heart, because love requires every last piece of it.

You need to be alone when you want to be selfish. You cannot sacrifice and compromise yourself into a different version of yourself - one who wants less and accommodates more and is happy to make the sort of sacrifices that you abhor. You are who you are and if you cannot for the life of you focus on another human being because you're thinking of the class or the job fair or the event you'd rather be at when you are lying in bed beside them, then you need to go out and do whatever it is that you would rather be doing. You're more selfish for stringing along someone who thinks that you are willing to make sacrifices for them than you would be for calling a spade a spade and living your life unapologetically.

You need to be alone when things are changing. When your old world starts to suffocate and your new one begins to expand, it is so easy to want grab the closest hand you see and holler, "Look! Look at the world expanding!" Because everything is chaotic and wonderful and new, except it's hard to frolic on forwards with your hand clasped inside somebody else's and at some point you are going to want to break away into a run. And if you're someone who needs to run alone, that's okay. It's good to want to explore the options that are available to you in as unconstrained a fashion as possible. It is okay to need to do that on your own. 

You need to be alone when you are growing into a new version of yourself. When you are shedding the layers of who you've been like snakeskin, you will need the time to bury who you've been.We emerge into our new selves so carelessly - tripping over the edges and unfastened parts of who we have not quite figured out how to be. We need time to adjust to the shoes that we're only slowly starting to step into. We need time to figure out who we will become.

You need to be alone when you're not ready. When you meet someone who's patient and kind and well meaning and yet some part of you is holding back. You have to know that it is no one else's job to break down the walls that you've built up - that is a fortress of your own responsibility. When you are not ready to give someone your whole heart out of fear of what they'll do with it, it is yourself that you must learn how to trust. It's yourself you must come back to, piece by careful piece as you learn that your heart is an endless, refillable vessel that does not deplete and fall apart when it is given away. It is yourself that you must learn to be alone with.

You need to be alone whenever you know, in your heart of hearts, that you must be. When all the reason and feeling and logic in the entire world are stacked up against you and yet some part of you still wants to walk away. You need to be alone whenever some quite, gentle part of yourself suggests that now is not the time. Here is not the place. They are not the person. You need to be alone whenever you are trying to fit a square peg into a round hole and it just won't twist in to fit. You need to be alone when are lost. When you are found. When you are whole. When you are broken.


Someday you'll understand that you can be all of those things alongside somebody else. But first and foremost, you need to learn to be them all alone.


 @ Jackie San

The Results

As the researchers had predicted, the results were very different for the people who spent time alone for positive reasons compared to those who did so for negative reasons.




7 Reasons Why An Online Business Is The Best Investment Nowadays


What Is Online Business ?

Online Business or e-business is any kind of business or commercial transaction that includes sharing information across the internet. Commerce constitutes the exchange of products and services between businesses, groups and individuals and can be seen as one of the essential activities of any business.

Why Online Business Popular NowAdays ?

There has never been an easier or better time to start your own business then there is today. With the development and growth of social media everyone is connected together regardless of their income status or geography.

Whether you're rich or poor you now have the ability to share your skills and connect with people all over the world for free.


And for those looking to build an online business.


a. It's Extremely Inexpensive And Very Easy To Get Started.

The cost of a standard franchise or small business is from $15K - $100K plus you need to set up everything or pay to have it set...The right online business should offer you everything including training the day you sign on.

b. You Have More Flexibility Of Your Time

Generally you have more flexibility, choice to create a schedule you want to work. You can design your business around your life and career.

c. Unlimited Income Potential

Your income isn't determined by the number of hours you work but the level of productivity you can produce during the hours you work. By spending your time on marketing and income producing activities will start creating the lifestyle you have always desired. You are now in charge of how much money you want...Now that is Choice.

d. Offers Incredible Scalability

A brick-and-mortar retail store has a defined audience, typically a radius from the business location. An online business isn't restricted by this and can market to a worldwide audience. Once a successful marketing and advertising strategy is identified an online business can simply open up its target and increase budget to grow very fast.

e. Provide Limitless Freedom

Many entrepreneurs are drawn to online businesses because of the freedom they offer. Modern Technology, laptops, tablets, business apps and VOIP communication systems are just some of the tool that allow businesses to be operated from any location.

f. Low Overhead And High Margins

An online business will often allow you to eliminate some of the huge costs associated with an offline business. Not only can you eliminate things such as pricey office or retail space and long-term lease commitments, but you can also eliminate having to tie up your money in stocking inventory.

g. Access To A Worldwide Market

The beautiful thing about an online business is the ability to run it 24/7 without boundaries. There are no geographical boundaries and there are no specific hours of operation - an online business can produce revenue around the clock, even while you sleep.








@ Jackie San





Viral " Koleksi Bertanam bunga PKPB COVID 19 Mudah Murah "




Lazada VS Shopee : Which Is The Best Online Shopping Site You Must Know !


May I Know Where actually do you usually go shop online ?


Shoppee are among your go-to sites for buying stuff on the internet.

Indeed, these two e-commerce platforms dominate as online shopping destinations in the Philippines. Based on a Kantar Worldpanel survey, about 84 % of Filipinos would rather buy from established e-commerce companies despite having many more alternatives in the market.

Lazada in Philippines wins the popularity game, with twice as many monthly web visits (32 million versus 16 million, according to the latest iPrice report) as its competitor. But Shopee Philippines is quickly catching up with its catchy ads and attractive pricing. With the e-commerce competition in the country getting more intense, the two companies come up with their own ways to win more customers.

Which between Lazada VS Shopee is the better e-commerce platform in the Philippines for example? This comparison review should give us a glimpse on how each company fares in different aspects of e-commerce and customer service, so we can make an informed decision on where to shop online.

What Business Models of Shopee VS Lazada ?

Before we begin comparing Lazada and Shopee, it's important to understand first their respective business model, which affects their pricing, user experience, delivery speed, and other e-commerce features.

The two leading online shopping sites use different business models.


Lazada has a combination of retail and marketplace models. It started and continues to use a retail model in which it managers and sells inventory from its own warehouses.

Eventually, it added a marketplace model, opening its doors to third-party merchants who sell their products using the e-commerce platform.


Shopee works a bit differently, adopting a purely marketplace model. This means all products sold on the site come from third-party retailers. Because it doesn't have its own inventory or warehousing, it uses third-party logistics companies for product deliveries.


Lazada and Shopee also differ in terms of generating revenues. In addition to the sales from its retail business, Lazada charges third-party sellers a commission fee for every item sold through the site. On the other hand, Shopee doesn't charge commissions. There's no official information online on how exactly Shopee earns from its business.


Desktop and Mobile User Experience

User experience in e-commerce refers to how easy it is to navigate a website and perform transactions such as order placement, tracking, cancellation, and refund.


Let's compare Lazada and Shopee in terms of user experience using desktop and mobile devices.

Which Website Is Easier To Use On Desktop ?

Lazada and Shopee websites are user-friendly, complete with easy-to-search and varied shopping categories and filters (based on price range, brand, color, rating and so on) that help visitors find the exact product they need.

Both of these e-commerce sites have a Help Center section (in question-an-answer format) that let people find easily the information they need about transacting with the site. They also have their own built-in chat service that allows people to directly message sellers for inquiries. Lazada takes it a step further with its " Questions about this products" feature where prospective buyers can post questions about the product and get responses from the seller. Others can read the questions and answers on the product page, which help them make an informed buying decision.

Also, the whole transaction process - from browsing products and placing an order to paying for the purchase - is smooth on Lazada and Shopee.

Lazada needs to improve on the accuracy of its product search results, though. If you sort the items from the lowest to the highest prices, for instance, the first page shows some items that are not exactly on the search term.

Take this search for "air fryers" as an example. The cheapest items shown on the first page are not actual air fryers. Either they're different items (e.g., BBQ fryers, air filters, etc) or add-on items for air fryers.

Back to Lazada and Shopee, one handy feature that Lazada has (and Shopee lacks) is the Wish List section that lets users bookmark items they consider buying later. When you add a product to your Wish List, you an come back to it later when you're ready to order it - no need to spend time browsing for the particular product again.

Which Provies Better Mobile Experience : Lazada App or Shopee App ?

The Lazada App load faster and has a neater, more organized design than the Shopee app. Lazada's products pages have more detailed and easy-to-read product descriptions with more images that its competitor.


The Lazada app is easier to navigate, too. When you open a product page, you can quickly go to sections like Rating and Recommendations without scrolling down the page, as the links can be tapped on the top of the screen. This makes it easy for mobile users to find great deals on the product they'll buy.

The Shopee app is easy to browse as well. But it needs to improve on its speed, as its Home Screen, search results, and images in product pages take quite a while to load.

Product Range

The two e-commerce site have the same range of products: men's and women's clothing, groceries, electronics, personal care, appliances, and more. Customers may even buy prepaid cellphone load from Lazada or Shopee.

However, Lazada has a wider product selection than Shopee, with over 10 million products versus the latter's three million active listings. This means you're more likely to find most of your preferred items on Lazada vs Shopee.


Although both online shopping sites provide great deals, Shopee generally offers lower prices than its competitor, particularly on gadgets, clothes, toys, and bags. Selling cheaper items has earned Shopee the monicker "online Divisoria" among Pinoy online shopping enthusiasts. Shopee sellers are able to reduce their prices since they don't pay commission fees.

For example, an IPhone X (64GB) currently costs PHP 58,989 at Lazada.

But an IPhone X with the same specs costs PHP 49,500 at Shopee. The price difference is substantial at PHP 9,489.

There are other reasons why Shopee is a more cost-saving option for online shoppers. For example, some of its sellers offer discounts to customers who buy in bulk. Customers can even haggle cheaper prices with sellers through chat.

Some merchant on Shopee sell second-hand or pre-loved items, providing more affordable options for shoppers on a tight budget.

Shopee also has a Lowest Price Guarantee feature that allows customers to claim 120% of the price difference (in Shopee Coins, which can be used to get discounts on next orders) if they find the same product with a lower price from its main competitors, Lazada and Zalora.

Payment Options

Lazada and Shopee offer a variety of payment options for customers. Both websites accept cash on delivery (COD), credit card, debit card, and GCash payments. They also have their own in-store digital wallet for purchase transactions and receiving and storing refunds.

Which Company Offers More Payment Options ?

Shopee has more payment methods compared to Lazada, though. Shopee customers can pay for their online purchases through online banking, over-the-counter bank deposit, Coins.ph, remittance centers, and payment centers.

Lazada currently doesn't have those payment options for customers. The e-commerce company used to accept payment through PayPal, but it has discontinued this out over three to 36 months.

However, Lazada offers a flexible payment method that Shopee doesn't: Installment payment plans that can be used with or without a credit card. For a minimum purchase of PHP 3,000 at Lazada, you can have your payments spread out over three to 36 months.

Do you prefer the security you can get from using COD to pay for your online purchases ? Manage your expectation: COD isn't available for all items, sellers, and location in the Philippines. This goes for both Lazada and Shopee.

Sellers on both platforms may choose to enable or disable the COD option for customers for all or some of their products. Also, COD may not be offered in your shipping address.

COD is further restricted for certain customers of Shopee. Failure to receive your Lazada orders twice or more will get you into its COD blacklist, which means you can't use COD as a payment option for 90 days.


In terms of promised delivery time, the two e-commerce sites don't differ much, except for Shopee's longer overseas delivery time and Lazada's longer delivery time for shipments to Mindanao via sea for example.

Return and Refund

Based on feedback posted by customers online, it's easier to return an item to Lazada vs Shopee. With Lazada, customers dissatisfied with their order can fill out a return request form online, drop off the item at the courier, pay for the delivery fee, and wait for the replacement or refund.

Returning items is more frustrating and inconvenient for Shopee customers, as they request it directly from sellers, some of whom may be difficult to deal with and may not grant a refund. However, Shopee may intervene between the two parties to resolve the issue.

Lazada Compared Shopee : Final Thoughts

So, which between the two leading online shopping sites in the Philippines is better : Lazada or Shopee?

It depends on your priorities as a shopper. If you want to save more on your purchases (including shipping costs), Shopee is the better place to shop. If you prefer to have items delivered fast, then go with Lazada.

Both e-commerce companies have their pros and also cons, so it's best that you compare their prices, products, services, etc. when you do your shopping online.

@ Jackie San






" I've Been Super Happy Ever Since " - Say Ricky Martin


The pop star reflect on his journey, from experiencing depression during his 1999 Livin' La Vida Loca tour to sharing his truth in 2011 memoir "Me: Ricky Martin."

Ricky Martin is opening up about his decision to come out as gay now.

The music superstar recalls being on his Livin' La Vida Loca tour in 1999 when he decide he had to take some time off.

" My music was being heard all over the world, regardless of the language, " Martin said during an appearance on Proud Radio on Apple Music. " I could high five God, but I wasn't living to the fullest. I was sad. I was depressed. I would walk on stage to perform because that was the only way I could balance my emotion is to snap out of this heavy sadness that I was moving in. And then actually there came a moment that I said, 'We need to stop. We need to stop the tour.' I remember I was in Australia and from Australia, we were going to go to South America. And I said, I can't. I can't do this. I need to go home. I need silence. I need to cry. I need to be angry. I need to forgive myself for allowing myself to reach this level, to get to where I'm at. And I took some time and I took a sabbatical."

@ Jackie San






Love Island In United State...

Season 2 winners Justine Ndiba and Caleb Corprew have now officially broken up. When the second season of Love Island premiered on CBS, the fans fell in love with Justine immediately. However, she wasn't lucky enough to find a solid partner during her initial days in the Last Vegas villa. The tides thankfully had chemistry with him. In any case, islanders Cely Vazquez and Johnny Middlebrooks were still the frontrunners for a good while.


It was during Casa Amor on Love Island United State that the game changed for Justine and Caleb. For one, Johnny was heavily judged by his short-lived fling with Mercades Schell, ultimately ruining his and Cely's chances at winning the $100,000 grand prize. Meanwhile, Justine and Caleb kept growing their relationship and becoming stronger contestants by the day. In the end, they won the season and kept dating post-show. Ever since the season wrapped, the fans have watched as the Love Island USA couples have been breaking up. Now, unfortunately, another one bites the dust.


@ Jackie San 


Kompaun Kesalahan Rentas Negeri Meningkat !



KUALA LUMPUR : Seramai 1,111 individu yang telah ditahan atas kesalahan ingkar berkaitan Prosedur Operasi Standard (SOP) pelaksanaan Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (PKP) dan juga Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan Bersyarat (PKPB) pada Februari 2021 yang lalu.

Kesalahan rentas daerah dan juga kesalahan rentas negeri tanpa kebenaran pihak Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) serta tidak menjaga penjarakkan sosial fizikal adalah kesalahan yang tertinggi direkodkan setakat ini.

Menteri Kanan Keselamatan, Datuk Seri Ismail Sabri Yaakob, berkara seramai 1,040 individu yang telah ditahan dan dikenakan kompaun manakal 71 lagi individu yang telah pun direman.

" Kesalahan tertinggi adalah atas kesalahan melakukan rentas daerah dan juga negeri tanpa kebenaran dengan 306 jumlah kesalahan dan tidak menjaga penjarakkan fizikal dengan jumlah 300 kesalahan.

" Kesalahan lain yang dikesan sepanjang tempoh ini adalah premis yang gagal menyediakan peralatan merekod butiran diri pelanggan dengan 107 kes kesalahan, tidak memakai pelitup muka dengan 97 kes kesalahan, keluar rumah tanpa alasan yang munasabah dengan 68 kes kesalahan, membawa penumpang berlebihan 58 kes kesalahan, aktiviti di pusat hiburan 55 kes kesalahan, premis yang beroperasi melebihi masa yang ditetapkan tanpa kebenaran dengan jumlah kes 11 kesalahan dan lain - lain kesalahan iaitu sebanyak 109 kes," menerusi maklumat yang disampaikan oleh menteri.

Beliau turut memaklumkan bahawa operasi Task Force Operasi Pematuhan yang diketuai oleh Polis Diraja Malaysia (PDRM) itu, sebanyak 78,369 pemeriksaan dijalankan bagi memantau dan juga menguatkuasakan pematuhan SOP.

@ Jackie San



What Is Late Maturation Symptoms ?




Delayed Puberty is when a teen goes through these body changes later than the usual age range. For girls, it means no breast development by age 13 or no menstrual periods by age 16. For boys, it means no enlargement of the testicles by age 14.


Puberty is said to be early if it starts before eight years in girls, or before nine in boys. It's considered late if there are no signs of puberty by 13 years in girls, and 14 in boys. 




If you're a girls, you'll will notice that:

a. Your Breasts Develop.

b. Your Pubic Hair Grows.

c. You Have A Growth Spurt.

d. You Get Your Period (Menstruation).

e. Your Body Gets Curvier With Wider Hips.




Late Bloomers do not suddenly become smart or talented. They are most likely intrinsically motivated, which means that they are internally motivated.




Delayed puberty in boys is when puberty does not begin by 14 years of age. When puberty is delayed, these changes either don't occur or don't progress normally. Delayed puberty is more common in boys than in girls. 


It's not an actual puberty, though. Second puberty is just a slang term that refers to the way your body changes in adulthood. The term can be misleading, since you don't actually go through another puberty after adolescence.

@ Jackie San






3 Penyebab Bau Kentut Anda Tidak Sedap Baunya !

Ketahui kah Anda bahawa tabiat mengeluarkan gas (kentut) lebih glamor sebutan di kalangan kita adalah merupakan hal yang menjadi perkataan ekstrem bagi sesetengah orang. Untuk manusia yang sihat, tabiat membuang gas (kentut) beberapa kali dalam tempoh sehari sama ada kentut yang menghasilkan bau ataupun hanya sekadar bunyi (tidak berbau).


Tahukah anda kenapa kentut yang dihasilkan dan berbunyi agak kuat itu berbeza dan hasil baunya tidak sedap ???


Untuk makluman semua, bau kentut yang dihasilkan oleh seseorang itu sebenarnya amat berbeza bergantung kepada beberapa faktor yang akan dikongsikan nanti. Harus juga kita fikirkan dan kita perlu ingat bahawa kekadang kentut yang dihasilkan itu adakah ianya berbahaya ataupun tidak. 


Dikongsikan di sini apakah perkara yang mempengaruhi bau kentut yang terhasil !


a. Faktor Makanan

Faktor makanan adalah sememangnya suatu perkara yang tidak dinafikan lagi yang boleh mempengaruhi bau yang terhasil dari kentut. Kebiasaannya, ia disebabkan tindakbalas laktosa dan juga glutagen di dalam perut. Keadaan ini terjadi diakibatkan oleh tubuh badan seseorang itu tidak mampu untuk memecahkan laktosa dan juga glutagen.


b. Makanan Tinggi Seratnya

Faktor seterusnya adalah disebabkan oleh makanan yang mengandungi serat yang tinggi gagal dicerna dengan baik. Makanan yang dimakan dan gagal diproses ataupun dicerna di dalam perut akan terkumpul lama dan menyebabkan makanan tersebut umpama berlakunya fermentasi ataupun akan rosak berada di dalam perut seseorang dalam saluran pencernaan.

Ianya seakan tidak dapat diproses dan berkemungkinan akan berada terlalu lama di dalam kantong perut ataupun usus dan akan akhirnya menyebabkan penghasilan kentut yang amat busuk (tidak sedap). Contoh makanan yang mengandungi serat yang tinggi seperti bawang putih, kubis, asparagus dan juga brokoli.

c. Pengambilan Ubat

Faktor seterusnya disebabkan oleh pengambilan ubat - ubatan yang boleh menghasilkan bau gas kentut yang busuk. Sebagai contoh pengambilan antibiotik (ab).

Sebenarnya, antibiotik boleh membunuh microorganisma seperti bakteria baik yang berada di dalam perut manusia, dan ianya boleh juga mengganggu proses pencernaan di dalam tubuh badan (perut). Hal sedemikian akhirnya akan menyebabkan ketidakseimbangan pada saluran pencernaan manusia dan akhirnya akan menyebabkan bau yang amat tidak sedap.

@ Jackie San

Kenapa Seks Oral Itu Haram ?

Setahu saya lah, adalah makruh bagi isteri menikmati kemaluan suaminya dengan mulut dan juga harus bagi suami menikmati kemaluan isterinya sedemikian berdasarkan dalil " Isteri Kamu Bagaikan Kebun dan Ladang Milikmu Yang Boleh Digunakan Menurut Kehendakmu Asalkan Tidak Menyalahi Hukum Syarak Seperi..." (Liwat).

Tetapi yang menjadi persoalan di fikiran saya adalah... menyentuh soal air mazi yang keluar.

Air mazi adalah cecair yang keluar dari kemaluan ketika perasaan ghairah. Sudah pasti si suami / isteri yang melakukan perbuatan di atas akan terkena air mazi pada / dalam mulut / lidahnya.  Manakala air mazi dikatakan najis dan hukumnya sememangnya haram!


Kita Sentuh Beberapa Persoalan.

Soalan 1 :

Jika hukum perbuatan seks tersebut adalah harus / makruh, bagaimana mungkin ia dapat dilakukan sedangkan air mazi itu najis ?

Setahu saya najis adalah bahan perkumuhan dari sistem tubuh badan. Air mazi pula hanyalah bahan cecair pada anggota tubuh badan yang bertujuan untuk melicinkan anggota tersebut dan ia bukannya bahan perkumuhan dari badan manusia.

Soalan 2 :

Jadi mengapakah air mazi itu dikategorikan sebagai najis ? Apakah hukumnya berdasarkan ijma' ataupun sememangnya hukum yang telah ditetapkan oleh Allah ? Bolehkah seseorang ustaz menyatakan dalilnya ?

Bukanlah bermaksud untuk mempertikaikan hukum Allah. Tetapi saya amat keliru kerana terdapat dua (2) hukum dalam stau keadaan yang sama.

a). Harus / Makruh pada perbuatan seks itu.

b). Haram dan najis pada air mazi.

Kita Bacakan Ulasan Ustaz...

Hukum makruh bagi isteri melakukan seks oral kepada zakar suami dan Harus suami melakukan seks oral kepada vagina isteri adalah dua hukum yang berdasarkan dzann (sangkaan) sahaja. Ini kerana tidak ada dalil yang betul - betul menyentuh isu seks yang luar biasa memandangkan budaya lazimnya Islam yang tinggi nilainya dan juga luhur. Oral seks masih diwartakan dalam Kanun Kesiksaan Hukuman Sivil Malaysia sebagai seks luar tabi'iy, ini menunjukkan penggubal perundangan Sivil Malaya dulu melihat seks oral sebagai seks luar tabi'iy (tabi'at seks luar biasa).

Kitab - Kitab Klasik fiqh langsung tidak membahaskan hukum oral seks. Hanya media sosial seperti internet dan juga industri filem lucah yang mempopularkan jenis - jenis seks luar biasa seperti oral, anal, lesbian, gay, beastiliaty (Seks dengan binatang), dan macam - macam jenis lagi seks. Kita turut berpendapat orals seks perlu dijauhi kerana walaupun seks itu Halal dan isteri itu pakaian bagi lelaki dan suami itu pakaian bagi isterinya tapi ia masih tertakluk kepada adab dan ketaqwaan. Seperti juga makan dan minum, ia adalah harus, kita tertakluk pada adab-adab makan, namun Barat mengajar cara makan extreme, mereka makan burger dan pizza sambil menari,, dan meneguk air carbonated mereka sambil berjalan dan juga berlari.

Maka seks pun begitulah, kita sebagai umat Islam menikmati seks dengan beradab, maka biarkan orang Barat menikmati seks mereka dengan melampui batas. Gempa seks atau sexual revolution yang melanda Barat amat menakutkan seki, bahkan jika industri VCD lucah yang berleluasa seperti sekarang jika tidak dapat dibendung akan mengundang padah pada Umat Islam juga, bila revolusi seks lucah ini menular dalam kalangan masyarakat kita.

Maka kami tidak berani nak tahqeeq hukum oral seks ini sehingga fuqaha' dan mujtahid terkemuka hari melihat dan mengkaji dan mengeluarkan suatu hukum yang muktamad sebagaimana hukum dadah dan juga rokok.

2. Mazi adalah najis menurut kesepakatan ahli hadis (Albani, Tamamul Minnah). Dalil : HR Bukhari - Muslim dari Ali Bin Abi Talib ra. Maka jika mazi ini najis dan thabit kenajisannya melalui hadis sahih, maka anda boleh membuat hukum yang wajar untuk oral seks. Lelaki dan juga wanita mengeluarkan cecair madzi semasa ghairah dan madzi itu najis dan jika cecair najis ini masuk dalam mulut, maka sudah tentu syara' memandang serius masalah najis yang diambil secara sengaja.

@ Jackie San


Kenapa Kita Perlu Isytihar Harta ?

Kenapa Perlu Isytiharkan Harta Kita ?

Pengisytiharan harta yang dibuat perlu betul dan semestinya telus. 

Tujuan utama Perisytiharan Harta ini dibuat adalah bagi memastikan setiap staf Penjawat Awam berintegriti dan juga bagi menyekat budaya rasuah yang dikaitkan dengan kakitangan kerajaan terutamanya agensi seperti penguatkuasaan (polis, imigresen, kastam, askar, bomba) seperti yang kecoh di media sosial baru - baru ini. Selain itu juga, ia juga bagi memastikan Penjawat Awam tidak berada dlaam keterhutangan yang serius.

Kerajaan perlu menyemak semula prosedur operasi standard (SOP) pengisytiharan harta dalam kalangan penjawat awam terutamanya yang membabitkan agensi penguatkuasaan. " Sekiranya SOP pengisytiharan harta dilakukan dengan telus dan disemak dengan betul oleh Unit Integriti, kita boleh menanggani isu rasuah."

Apakah Kesilapan Yang Sering Kita Lakukan Dalam Membuat Pengisytiharan Harta ?

1. Tidak menyatakan pendapatan pasangan (jika sudah berkahwin).

2. Tidak menyenaraikan harta milik pasangan seperti rumah/kenderaan (dalam pinjaman/tanggungan pasangan ada potongan rumah/kenderaan).

3. Tidak menyenaraikan harta yang telah selesai dibayar (contoh : rumah, kenderaan).

4. Tidak melengkapkan punca - punca kewangan bagi memiliki harta.

5. Tidak memuatnaik dokumen sokongan yang diperlukan.

6. Tidak meletakkan lampiran pendapatan pasangan, harta dan tanggungan.

Bagaimana Mengira Peratus Keterhutangan Sebenarnya ?

(Jumlah Pinjaman / Tanggungan Staf (Terkini & Telah Diluluskan) + Jumlah Potongan Slip Gaji)

___________________ X 100

(Jumlah Pendapatan + Pendapatan Tambahan)

Penjawat awam boleh menyemak kadar keterhutangan menerusi formula seperti di atas bagi mengelakkan diri dari dikategorikan mempunyai kadar keberhutangan tinggi dan juga serius. Isu ini perlu diambil berat kerana desakan kekurangan kewangan ini boleh menyebabkan berlakunya ketirisan dari segi integriti sehingga mendorong ke arah gejala rasuah sebenarnya.

Amalan rasuah membabitkan segelintir pegawai dan kakitangan awam perlu dibendung segera bagi mengelak kepercayaan dan juga integriti kepada penjawat awam tidak terhakis.

@ Jackie San

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