

By 30 To Become - 


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Sometimes I dream when I'm a millionaire !!!
Is't just a dream?
Or is it a reality !!!

Becoming a millionaire 30 is possible, and you do not have to search Snapchat or Tumblr next or win a lottery or Powerball jackpot to do so. Most people already do it. And the conclusions are they Millionaires ???

In order to achieve and succeed in the Millionaire and achieve it, a seven-figure mark, I collect ten advice from people who are millionaires at a young age. I cannot guarantee the status of a millionaire, but doing these things will not hurt your chances:

1. Shoot for $10 million, not only $1 million

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I plan to go for more than a million. There is no shortage of money on this planet!!!
But the only thing is;
Only a shortage of people thinking big enough!!!

2. Invest In Yourself
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"The safest investment I've ever made is in my future,". Because my future is more important.  "Read at least 30 minutes a day, listen to relevant podcasts while driving and seek out mentors vigorously. You don't just need to be a master in your field, you need to be a well-rounded genius capable of talking about any subject whether it is political, sports, education or financial related. Consume knowledge like air and put your pursuit of learning above all else."

Many modern-day successful and wealthy people are voracious readers. All of them  estimates that 80% of his working day is dedicated to reading.

3. Don't Show Off - Show Up
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"I didn't buy my first luxury watch or car until my businesses and investments were producing multiple secure flows of income." That are my priciples.

Need inspiration to save more and spend less? 

4. Master Soft Skills And Cooperate With Others
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Building a fortune takes people skills and charm just as much as it does strategy.

Mostly people lose their positions and their big opportunities in life because of this fault than for all other reasons combined.

"People hate dealing with people who are jerks. It's always easier to be nice than to be a jerk. Don't be a jerk." Says Mark Cuban - Billionaire.

Pushover and cooperating with others is a fine line.

"In the process of reaching the seven-figure mark, learned dealing with other people is the most important attribute. "No one can become a millionaire without knowing how to deal with people assertively. You must be prepared when your best friends turn on you or your family betrays you. Sometimes, it will happen at the most unpredictable times."

5. Focus On Earning
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Nowadays, in economic environment, you can not save your way to millionaire status. The first step is to focus on increasing your income in increments and repeating that.

"My income was $ 3,000 a month and nine years later it was $ 20,000 a month. Start following the money, and it will force you to control revenue and see opportunities."

Earning more money is often easier said than done, but most people have options. Read about 50 ways to bring in additional income, some high-paying jobs you can on the side, how you can earn passive income, and how to start a side-hustle from a woman who earned up to $ 4,000 a month on the side .

6. Save To Invest, Don't Save To Save
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Written by Cardone:

The only way to save money is investing it. Insert your savings into a secure, sacred (read) account. Never use this account for anything, or no emergency and ignore this account. This will force you to follow one step (increase revenue). To this day, at least twice a year, I'm out because I always invest my surplus into an effort that I can not access.

Investment is not so complicated or scary when I make it. Having confidence in raising income through investing has convinced me. Every month I invested more than half of my income. Although I am still studying at the University. With such scholarship income, I still continue to invest.

Discipline can help in achieving success. Because the key to continue to set aside money is to create it automatically. That way, you can not see the money you donate and you will learn to live without it.

7. Be Decisive
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Tucker Hughes says; "Decision fatigue must be avoid it, ". "Attention is a finite daily resource and can be a bottleneck on productivity. No matter the mental stamina developed over time, there is always going to be a threshold where you break down and your remaining efforts for the day become suboptimal.

"Conserve your mental power by making easily reversible decisions as quickly as possible and aggressively planning recovering actions so you can execute simple tasks on autopilot. I know what I am wearing to work, doing every everning and eating for breakfast each day next week. Do you?""

Believe in developing decisiveness by Hughes not the only one. Napoleon Hill found that they all shares this quality after studied about 500 journals and articles. Warren Buffet also recommends about look into the online-investment platforms as knowns as "Robo-Advisers."- for low-cost index funds.

The key to consistently setting aside money is to make it automatic. From that way, you'll never even see the money you're contributing and you'll learn to live without it.

8. Know When To Take The Right Risks And Act On Them
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It's not easy to become a millionaire. And it's not hard to be sad. But do not make it a tough one. Not impossible!!!

Ally writes, "Before reaching the seven-point mark, you must take a lot of risk,". "Taking risks requires a lot of trust in yourself and others, but it should be done." Faith is knowing that what we want is ultimately going to happen as long as we have a high trust. You have to jump big in your life, sometimes do not know where it will carry, however, it will be paid once you go to the other side, even if you burn a bridge or two in the process. "

You can not afford to be rich with low expectations - the richest person, the bigest one to win.

T. Harv Eker's employee says, "Secret of Millionaire Mind"; While playing to win any aspect of life requires a risk-taking element and a level of comfort with uncertainty, it can be the difference between average living and rich living.

9. Be Confident
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In carrying out a job or responsibility for success, we must have high self-esteem. A persistent effort will produce results in the future. Firm confidence will be awarded glorious achievements. Eliminate selfishness and be assured that you will become a millionaire.

10. Ask For Help
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In Daniel Ally's Writing it states that, "At some point in my business, I can not grow up until I hire some important people." At 24 years of age he became a millionaire.

In addition he concluded that:

Ask for help beyond hiring a key person. As his own billionaire Steve Siebold explains in his book "How Rich People Think," the rich are not afraid to finance their future from other people's pockets.

Applying for help is not my thing, but I have to make it happen. In a few months I have a lawyer, editor, personal trainer, part time chef, and other staff. At first, I had many advantages, but eventually helped me break through the million dollar mark. Most people will not seek help because their ego is on their way.

"The world class believes in the use of other people's money," he wrote. "The rich know no solvent enough to personally afford something irrelevant. The real question is," Is it worth buying, investing, or pursuing? "

@Jackie San


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